Why Arts? Making the Case

by giarts-ts-admin

2008, 37 pages. Bush Foundation, 332 Minnesota Street, Suite E-900, Saint Paul, MN, 55101,
(651) 227-0891, www.bushfoundation.org


This report chronicles the first 30 years of the Bush Artist Fellows program through profiles of 10 fellows, several essays by fellows and observers, and excerpts from fellows' creative work.

by giarts-ts-admin

2008, 64 pages. Published by the Association of Performing Arts Presenters, 1211 Connecticut Ave NW, Suite 200, Washington, D.C., 20036, (202) 833-2787, www.artspresenters.org. Dance/USA, 1111 16th Street NW, Suite 300, Washington, D.C., 20036, (202) 833-1717, www.danceusa.org. Jacob's Pillow Dance, 358 George Carter Road, Becket, MA, 01223, (413) 243-9919, www.jacobspillow.org.

by giarts-ts-admin

2008, 43 pages. Hill Strategies Research, Inc., Hamilton, Ontario, (877) 445-5494, www.hillstrategies.com


by giarts-ts-admin
Following a successful 2007 program in Santa Fe, members of GIA and Grantmakers for Education (GFE) came together in May 2008 for an Arts and Education Forum in the Boston area. Collectively, over fifty of our members took part in a program that included discussions with government and school leaders, researchers, and inventors. The program examined how one region has tackled the challenge of arts integration and looked at ways that arts and technology could be powerful partners in learning. The following three essays were prepared by participants.
by giarts-ts-admin

Between 2006 and 2008, the Social Impact of the Arts Project, a research group at the University of Pennsylvania (SIAP), collaborated with The Reinvestment Fund (TRF), a community development financial institution, on an investigation of the creative sector's potential contribution to neighborhood economic and community development.

by giarts-ts-admin

2008, 328 pages. Published by University of California Press

by giarts-ts-admin

2007, 103 pages. University of New South Wales Press Ltd, Sydney, Australia www.unswpress.com.au (publisher); Sherman Contemporary Art Foundation, Paddington NSW (sponsor). Available through Hopkins Fulfillment Services, University of Washington Press, (800) 537-5487

by giarts-ts-admin

2007, 86 pages. The Center for Arts Education, 14 Penn Plaza, 225 West 34th Street, NY, NY 10122, www.cae-nyc.org

by giarts-ts-admin

2008, 141 pages. Council on Foundations, 2121 Crystal Drive, Suite 700, Arlington, VA 22202 (703) 879-0600, www.cof.org

This robust report features a series of essays on aspects of rural philanthropy from a diverse range of perspectives. The conclusion, by Sherece Y. West, alone is worth the price of admission. The report concludes with a summary of funding recommendations from the Council on Foundations Conference on Philanthropy and Rural America: A 21st Century Agenda, held in August 2007 in Montana.

by giarts-ts-admin

Arts and education grantmakers at an historic gathering in Santa Fe in October of 2007 agreed on the need to forge a new vision for public education in the United States and to collectively explore how the arts can help shape and realize that vision.

Convened by Grantmakers in the Arts and Grantmakers for Education, more than 100 foundation representatives met formally for the first time under the aegis of their two affinity organizations to debate and discuss the role of the arts in education.