Social Justice

by Jaime Sharp

Congratulations to GIA's Support for Individual Artists co-chair Celeste Smith, who was selected for the Bridging Fellows Program. "The Bridging Fellows program provides changemakers in Pittsburgh, Chicago, and Dallas the opportunity to strengthen their individual and collective leadership capacity and grow networks to support building healthy and equitable communities."

by Jaime Sharp

Join the virtual Funder Briefing Friday, May 20 at 9am PST/12pm EST hosted by Live Free USA, Joyce Foundation, Ford Foundation, Arnold Ventures, and VOICE Buffalo. Registration is required to join.

by Jaime Sharp

"How do we learn patriarchy?" Said authors Phillip Agnew and Marcus Littles for Nonprofit Quarterly. "That’s like asking how we learn to breathe. In our memories of Black boyhood, we can sense it everywhere. It was all around us all the time—sometimes overt, sometimes just below the surface. Our families were different in many ways, and our experiences unique. But there are patterns."

by Jaime Sharp

“To create a just and pluralist society, we need to reimagine systems and transform culture.”

by Jaime Sharp

"Drive across the Midwest and you’ll find cities and interstates peppered with anti-abortion billboards," said author Cinnamon Janzer. Thus stemmed the Minnesota Billboard Project, born from a, "St. Paul couple [who] decided to take countering the anti-choice messaging into their own hands."

by Jaime Sharp

“A new effort to help grant makers change the way they work so they can better support Black-led nonprofits was announced today. Abundance is a collaboration between three Chicago-area grant makers, Chicago Beyond, the Grand Victoria Foundation, and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.”

by Nadia Elokdah

“Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust’s nearly $141 million in grantmaking during the last half of 2021 is a keen expression of both its legacy of long-term strategic investment in Maricopa County’s (AZ) resilience and its unique ability to respond powerfully to unfolding crises,” announced in the Business Wire.

by Jaime Sharp

“Grants management professionals are strategically positioned to influence a funder’s racial equity and racial justice funding. But in three decades of working in and with foundations, I have consistently seen a pattern where people serving in these roles are excluded from these conversations as a matter of institutional habit,” explains Lori Villarosa, Founder and Executive Director, Philanthropic Initiative for Racial Justice.

by Jaime Sharp

Forecast Public Art announced the Public Art for Racial Justice Fund to, “provide much needed guidance, coaching and technical assistance to artists and communities as they undertake the complex task of confronting racial inequities...”