GIA Blog

Posted on by giarts-ts-admin

Comments by Lee Rosenbaum’s Blog on Arts Journal: “I’ve got nothing against better coordination among government programs involving the arts and humanities. Regular meetings of representatives from the relevant offices and agencies could foment creative synergies. Perhaps a White House … Continue reading

Posted on by giarts-ts-admin

A. Barton Hinkle in the Richmond Times Dispatch: Let’s take a straw poll: All those in favor of putting Dick Cheney in charge of the nation’s arts and culture, please raise your hand. Anybody? Okay, how about Mike Huckabee? Pat … Continue reading

Posted on by giarts-ts-admin

Robin Pogrebin in The New York Times. “Some cultural figures have even been calling for a cabinet-level arts czar. In a radio interview last fall on WNYC’s “Soundcheck,” the music impresario Quincy Jones said that when he next spoke to … Continue reading

Posted on by giarts-ts-admin

Lisa Pruitt on the Legal Ruralism Blog “In part because of Ferris’s role in studying Southern culture and in part because of these opening paragraphs mentioning rurality, I thought his proposal might be particularly attuned to rural and/or Southern culture. … Continue reading

Posted on by giarts-ts-admin

“If, in fact, we believe that the arts are and should be integral to our society, why not elevate this important concept by appointing an arts and culture cabinet position? This advisor would make recommendations to all branches of government … Continue reading

Posted on by giarts-ts-admin

Anonymous post on creatisphere blog: “In the U.S. we left in part because we faced little funding, or working several jobs so we could just do what we were meant to do. Being abroad now for almost a decade I … Continue reading

Posted on by giarts-ts-admin

To: President Barack Obama Congratulations and thank you for all you do. Your good friend Quincy Jones said: “…next conversation I have with President Obama is to beg for a Secretary of Arts.” We the undersigned support Quincy Jones’ plea. … Continue reading

Posted on by giarts-ts-admin

The $10.9 million includes more than 3,600 gifts from more than 1,500 donors, with 28 percent coming from The Atlanta Opera Board, 16 percent from foundations and government, 13 percent from corporations and 22 percent from individuals. The Atlanta Opera … Continue reading

Posted on by giarts-ts-admin

It has been a tough season for Intel, the world’s largest chip maker. Intel’s stock price slipped 42% in 2008 and its fourth-quarter numbers were poor, with net income off 90% from a year earlier. In such a difficult economic … Continue reading

Posted on by giarts-ts-admin

Here’s a concise summary of the line items in the Economic Stimulus Bill that directly fund the arts, from Bill Cleveland posted on Community Arts Network. Read More.