GIA Blog

Posted on by giarts-ts-admin

Foundations that lost billions of dollars investing with Bernard L. Madoff have another reason to fret: they could be socked with sizable fines for failing to exercise sound judgment. Under an obscure tax rule, private foundations can be penalized for … Continue reading

Posted on by giarts-ts-admin

According to a study by The Chronicle of Philanthropy, charitable foundations’ assets declined an average of 28% in 2008. The nonprofit organizations they fund are struggling to survive. Given these dire circumstances, one would think we would be empowering citizens … Continue reading

Posted on by giarts-ts-admin

The day after Christmas, Loretta Greco went into her office at the Magic Theater here, sat down at the computer and started e-mailing everyone she knew, asking them to e-mail everyone they knew. Her plea was simple: Unless the Magic, … Continue reading

Posted on by giarts-ts-admin

“The House of Representatives last week passed an economic stimulus package of almost $820 billion that included $50 million for the National Endowment for the Arts. Backers of this bundle point out quite correctly that when the economy hits the … Continue reading

Posted on by giarts-ts-admin

“The worst fears of the arts community were realized Thursday when Gov. Jennifer Granholm’s proposed budget eliminated operational arts funding. The state arts council granted $7.9 million to 290 groups in 2009. Advertisement With the recession already leading to millions … Continue reading

Posted on by giarts-ts-admin

“What that (the pork reference) tells me is we have a lot of work to do about explaining the importance of the arts as not only bringing balance to society but as an economic stimulator and development opportunity,” said Vickie … Continue reading

Posted on by giarts-ts-admin

“As debate continues in Congress on how best to give a genuine boost to the troubled economy, some of the nation’s foundations have responded quickly to the crisis in their local communities and nationally. Despite being hit hard themselves by … Continue reading

Posted on by giarts-ts-admin

Members of the House and Senate conference committee completed their negotiations of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act last Friday with $50 million designated to assist the nation’s arts and cultural workforce through funding to the National Endowment for the … Continue reading

Posted on by giarts-ts-admin

One would be hard pressed to argue that a call from Robert Redford to the speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, helped salvage money for the arts in the economic-stimulus bill last week. But it certainly didn’t hurt as arts-friendly … Continue reading

Posted on by giarts-ts-admin

Pro Publica: Jounalism in the public interest provides this breakdown. The House approved the economic stimulus plan Friday afternoon with a vote of 246 to 183, followed by the Senate with a vote of 60 to 38. Want to know … Continue reading