GIA Blog

Posted on by Tommer

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Posted on by Janet

Is the nonprofit arts community undercapitalized because there isn’t enough money or demand for the product or have we focused on developing product at the expense of creating an environment that can support it? That environment includes more than audience development and public support. It includes an infrastructure that feeds the industry both internally, serving the needs of the organization, and externally, promoting that product on multiple levels to the public.

Posted on by Tommer

From the Executive Summary ( Link below) “Priority 2. Competitive Preference Priority – Emphasis on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)” Dept. of Education announcement Executive Summary of Race to the Top guidelines for applicants In the press: New York … Continue reading

Posted on by Tommer

Foundation giving will likely decline by more than 10 percent in 2009, closer to the higher end of the 8 to 13 percent range estimated by the Foundation Center earlier this year. According to September 2009 survey findings released today … Continue reading

Posted on by Tommer

This exploration of best practices, by Lydia D. Bell, draws on the studied observations of nine leading arts and culture funders to ascertain opportunities for encouraging increased diversity, inclusion and equity in society through grant making in the creative fields. … Continue reading

Posted on by Tommer

“We believe strongly that the arts aren’t somehow an ‘extra’ part of our national life, but instead we feel that the arts are at the heart of our national life. It is through our music, our literature, our art, drama … Continue reading

Posted on by Tommer

Full text of the President’s opening address here. And text of his closing remarks here. Memorandum to heads of executive departments and agencies here. In the NYTimes…. President Obama told hundreds of tribal leaders at an Interior Department summit today … Continue reading

Posted on by Tommer

A new research advisory from the Foundation Center suggests that foundation giving will decline by more than 10 percent in 2009, a bit closer to the high end of the range estimated by the center earlier this year, and that … Continue reading

Posted on by Janet

(Thank you to all the GIA members and nonmembers who made our conference in Brooklyn a huge success. As always, GIA is working to make your lives easier and more informed. I was humbled and empowered at the same time by your stories, your confidence and your commitment.)

Posted on by Tommer

Veteran Broadway theater producer Rocco Landesman, off to a rocky start in his new gig as chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), demonstrated at a meeting of arts funders in Brooklyn two weeks ago that he had … Continue reading