GIA Blog

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(4-6-2011) Cultural Policy Update (CPU) is an international e-journal reflecting on recent development in cultural policies. CPU aims to stir up the worldwide debate about changes in art support systems due to globalization, economic crises, new market opportunities et cetera. It serves as a platform for new points of view and arguments. CPU contains essential reading for cultural policy makers, researchers, students, art lovers, cultural workers and professionals with an interest in arts and culture.

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(4-5-2011) May 4, 2011, Philanthropy New York. Attend Seventh Generation Leading: Making the Case for Native Youth Leadership for an overview of the Native youth leadership and organizing landscape. Information about what Native youth are doing to reshape their communities and their lessons learned will be shared.

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As the Supreme Court's decision in January 2010 on Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission continues to transform our democratic landscape, media makers and advocates are collaborating in dynamic new ways to spotlight the challenges associated with these trends and to catalyze new strategies and solutions. Join FCCP on Wednesday, April 6th for a closer look at these developments and a discussion about opportunities for funders to help advance innovation in these extraordinary times.

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(4-3-2001) An OpEd in Sunday's Louisville Courier Journal by Judi Jennings, GIA board member and executive director of the Kentucky Foundation for Women.

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(4-1-2011) Today, Chicago Arts Learning Initiative announced the appointment of Paul Sznewajs, founder and former executive director of Snow City Arts, to lead the next phase of the initiative. CALI will be relaunched as Ingenuity Incorporated, an arts education service organization that provides infrastructure and support to assist Chicago's public schools, arts organizations, and policy makers.

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(3-31-2011) Tony Golsby-Smith from Harvard Business Review:

How many people in your organization are innovative thinkers who can help with your thorniest strategy problems? How many have a keen understanding of customer needs? How many understand what it takes to assure that employees are engaged at work?

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(3-31-2011) In his latest Talk Back blog post, Isaac Butler considers the finances and ethics of big box museums and the visual arts, calling into question board strategies and composition. He leads with a provocative Eleanor Heartney quote that includes the following:

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Cue BATMAN Announcer Voice: Meanwhile in the visual arts! In 1996, following the michegas with the NEA-4 and Robert Mapplethorpe, art critic Eleanor Heartney penned the essay Out of the Ivory Tower about the social responsibility of art critics. Its … Continue reading

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Grantmakers in the Arts is seeking a Director of Development and Membership. A qualified applicant should have experience planning and implementing resource development strategies. Key actions include initiating and providing oversight of all policies and procedures related to fund-raising; identifying, cultivating, and soliciting major gift prospects; providing oversight for all aspects of donor relations and stewardship; and developing communication strategies to support funder and membership retention, recruitment and benefits.

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(3-30-2011) MetLife Foundation announced today a grant of $275,000 to the National Guild for Community Arts Education. The grant will continue the MetLife Foundation Partners in Arts Education Program, a national program, now in its seventh year, that aims to support and promote sustainable partnerships between community arts education organizations and public schools. The press release noted that 6,000 students in eight cities are receiving year-long arts instruction during the current school year as a result of partnerships funded by this program.