GIA Blog

Posted on by Steve

The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, based in Menlo Park, California, is seeking a Program Officer for the Performing Arts Program:

Posted on by Steve

The Chronicle of Philanthropy is hosting a live discussion tomorrow (Tuesday, June 14) at noon Eastern time (9am Pacific). The Ins and Outs of Strategic Collaboration is the first of a three-part series with the Nonprofit Finance Fund.

Posted on by Steve

The Center for Arts Management and Technology at Carnegie Mellon today revisits the idea of dynamic pricing for Arts presenters:

Unlike regular discounting or promotional pricing, the dynamic ticket model would enable organizations to price each production—and even each performance–strategically and, perhaps, more realistically. Instead of offering incentive discounts, both the organization and the audience would be able to gauge expectations for a show based on the ticket prices.
Posted on by Abigail

Overheard this morning on my way to work, a story about Governor Brownback's defunding of the Kansas Arts Commission and a variety of perspectives on public (and private) arts funding. Listen here.

Posted on by Steve

From Lisa Chiu at The Chronicle of Philanthropy:

(T)he list is misleading in places, with some well-established groups listed that have, in fact, filed their paperwork. On the list were the names of some of the biggest and most well-established colleges in the United States, George Washington University and the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. So, too, was the Islamic Center, a prominent Washington nonprofit established in 1957 and located just a few blocks away from the vice president’s official residence.
Posted on by Abigail

On ARTSblog, Randy Cohen provides brief commentary and an Americans for the Arts estimate on the number of national arts organizations to lose their tax-exempt status. Lists of organizations (arts and all others) by state are available here.

Posted on by Steve

An interesting post from Venkatesh Rao on his blog explores the 400+ year history of the corporation. And he declares the “age of the corporation is coming to an end” at the outset. His mental model of the human world is visualized here. Of it he says:

Culture is the most mysterious, illegible and powerful force. It includes such tricky things as race, language and religion. Business, like gravity in physics, is the weakest and most legible
Posted on by Steve

Information from Foundations Center's Glass Pockets project:

  1. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
  2. Ford Foundation
  3. J. Paul Getty Trust
  4. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
  5. W. K. Kellogg Foundation
  6. The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
  7. The David and Lucile Packard Foundation
  8. The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
  9. Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
  10. Lilly Endowment Inc.
Posted on by Abigail

From the Associated Press, as reported on NPR:

The Internal Revenue Service said Wednesday that 275,000 organizations have lost their tax-exempt status because they failed to file required annual reports for three straight years.

Posted on by Steve

The John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation has published a new video that promotes and describes the MacArthur Fellows Program (commonly referred to as genius grants). Take a look at this program and hear from some recipients.