GIA Blog

Posted on by Janet

This is a blog about two very different topics: Hurricane Irene and Barry’s Blog. Hurricane Irene kept my attention this past weekend. In fact, at one point I put 9-volt batteries and candles on my shopping list. And I live in Seattle.

Posted on by Steve

Mashable looks at a few creative examples of Non-profit organizations tapping into the power of Internet memes to get their message out. If it goes viral, then you're in business!

Posted on by Steve

In late 2010 the Arts & Science Council of Charlotte-Mecklenburg began development of, a new website designed to address changing trends in philanthropic giving. Today marks the public launch of The project is designed to empower individuals to give directly to local arts, science and history projects they are passionate about.

Posted on by Steve

As an installment in the Social Innovation Interview Series, the website Social Velocity interviews Rebecca Thomas, Vice President of Strategy & Innovation at the Nonprofit Finance Fund:

Through the Leading for the Future Initiative, NFF is investing $1 million of change capital in each of ten performing arts organizations that are adapting their programs, operations and finances in ways that contribute to long-term health and vibrancy.
Posted on by Steve

From Rick Wartzman at Bloomberg Businessweek:

In 1994, at a gathering of a dozen top social-sector leaders, Peter Drucker could clearly see potential for the nonprofit world to make huge strides in innovation, effectiveness, and impact. But a big question swirled in his head.
Posted on by Steve

From Russ Buettner at The New York Times:

A New York State task force on Thursday began sending letters to hundreds of nonprofit organizations that receive state money demanding details about how much they pay their executives and board members.

The information will be compiled electronically and could shine a light on executives who take home an outsize share of their organization’s revenue.

Posted on by Steve

MetLife Foundation and Theatre Communications Group (TCG) announce the fourth round of recipients for the MetLife/TCG A-ha! Program: Think It, Do It, which supports the creative thinking and action of TCG member theatres with the goal of impacting the larger theatre community. Five theatres were awarded grants, totaling $225,000, to either research and develop new ideas or experiment and implement innovative concepts.

Posted on by Steve

The Association of Performing Arts Presenters (APAP) announced today the appointment of Mario Garcia Durham as President and CEO. He is the fifth executive director since the organization’s founding in 1957, and follows Sandra Gibson, who stepped down June 30, 2011. Gibson has continued to serve as APAP Special Executive, and will remain in that position through September 30, 2011.

Posted on by Steve

A number of U.S. communities have been building citywide systems to make high-quality after-school programs more available to children. Many such efforts have shaped their work around the collection and analysis of current, credible data. This guide looks at the kinds of data cities are gathering, how they collect it and how they put it to use.