GIA Blog

Posted on by Steve

Aaron Dorfman writes for Stanford Social Innovation Review:

Philanthropy frequently justifies its independence by invoking capacities it seldom displays. Philanthropy, we are told, is the vaunted passing gear. “Social action is usually a slow process,” wrote Paul Ylvisaker, who championed the poor through his long career in government, philanthropy and the academy. “Foundations by stepping in can speed up the process, acting as ‘society’s passing gear.’” But where Ylvisaker saw potential for grantmakers to be catalysts and agents for change, we too often today see foundation leaders who prefer to be neutral conveners.

Posted on by Steve

Today, Grantmakers in the Arts launches a two-week Online Forum on Equity in Arts Funding. GIA designed the Forum to expand the dialogue around funding equity in the arts and to encourage a response to the systemic issues of equity identified during sessions at the recent GIA national conference and in Fusing Arts, Culture and Social Change, a 2011 report published by the National Committee on Responsive Philanthropy. Bloggers represent an exciting cross section of the country's arts funding, service, and equity thought leaders. Beginning today, new blogs will be posted and announced daily. The Forum is designed to run through December 16 and the discussion is open to all who wish to participate.

Posted on by Steve

Kelly Kleiman, principal of NFP Consulting, posts in her blog The Nonprofiteerabout the public benefits of art-making and the framing of an argument for arts subsidies around real-estate values:

The Nonprofiteer had a fascinating conversation with Margy Waller, a special advisor to Cincinnati’s ArtsWave, which leads the nation in evidence-based approaches to advocating for arts funding. Ms. Waller had reached out to correct The Nonprofiteer’s misunderstanding (and therefore misreporting) of ArtsWave’s efforts, noting that the argument is not that the public should fund the arts to promote economic recovery but that it should fund the arts to promote neighborhood vibrancy. This nuance turns out to make all the difference.
Posted on by Steve

The National Endowment for the Arts Challenge America Fast-Track (CAFT) program supports projects from primarily small and mid-sized arts organizations that extend the reach of the arts to underserved audiences—those whose opportunities to experience the arts are limited by geography, ethnicity, economics, or disability. Chairman Landesman announced today that 162 Challenge America grants totaling $1,620,000 will be awarded to organizations in 46 states, plus the District of Columbia and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Posted on by Steve

United States Artists has announced its 2010 Fellows. Every year, 50 USA Fellowship grants of $50,000 each are awarded to outstanding performing, visual, media, and literary artists. Nominators submit names of artists they believe show extraordinary talent and commitment to their craft. To be considered for fellowships, artists must be at least 21 years of age and U.S. citizens or legal residents in any U.S. state.

See the 2010 USA Fellowship recipients here.

Posted on by giarts-ts-admin

by Aaron Dorfman (bio), executive director, National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the amount of attention Fusing Art, Culture and Social Change, NCRP’s most recent report, has generated. More than 200 media outlets have run stories … Continue reading

Posted on by giarts-ts-admin

by Jesse Rosen (bio), president & CEO, League of American Orchestras I heartily support the NCRP report’s recommendation that philanthropic investment in the arts should benefit underserved communities and promote greater equity, opportunity, and justice. But I take issue with … Continue reading

Posted on by giarts-ts-admin

by MK Wegmann, president and CEO, National Performance Network In response to the question “Can intermediaries be more successful than institutionalized funders in supporting the organic process of art making within the communities described as marginalized by the NCRP report, … Continue reading

Posted on by giarts-ts-admin

by F. Javier Torres (bio), senior program officer for arts and culture, The Boston Foundation I arrived in the world of philanthropy in 2011 after almost six years overseeing a multidisciplinary art program that is part of an affordable housing … Continue reading

Posted on by giarts-ts-admin

by Roberto Bedoya (bio), executive director, Tucson Pima Arts Council “Nothing concedes without a demand.” Frederick Douglas In the area of equitable grant-making what are the demands being made? Who is making the demands? Who is responding to the demands? … Continue reading