GIA Blog

Posted on by Abigail

Writing for her blog, Museum 2.0, Nina Simon reflects on a conversation with Ted Russell, senior program officer at The James Irvine Foundation, about the foundation's new Exploring Engagement Funds and the challenges inherent in what she defines as a field-rattling initiative.

Posted on by Tommer

“As arts education is slashed left and right in the schools as something not necessary to creating a competent work force, it is interesting to hear that exposure to the arts might make for more innovative business leaders, and that some leading business professionals value exposure to the arts as one of the tenants for establishing multi-dimensional, and thus, more competitive employees.”

Posted on by Steve

From Anny Shaw for The Art Newspaper:

Artists, curators, critics and academics have united against president Mohamed Morsi and his controversial charter, which they say threatens freedom of expression and creativity. Resistance is increasing in other ways too—through mass protests, works of art in the street, open letters and artists’ statements. More demonstrations calling for a consensual constitution are expected on 25 January, the second anniversary of the revolution that swept through Egypt.
Posted on by Steve

From Maria Popova at Brain Pickings:

“Money has never made man happy, nor will it, there is nothing in its nature to produce happiness. The more of it one has the more one wants,” Ben Franklin is often (perhaps mis-)quoted as having proclaimed. In asking what you would do if money were no object, Alan Watts echoed Franklin as he advocated for liberating creative purpose from money-work. But what does science say? Count on AsapSCIENCE to illustrate the answer:
Posted on by Steve

NYU Langone Medical Center announced last week that President Barack Obama named Jan Vilcek, MD, PhD, professor of microbiology at NYU Langone Medical Center, a recipient of the prestigious National Medal of Technology and Innovation. This year 11 individuals received this medal, the highest honor bestowed by the United States Government upon scientists, engineers, and inventors. He will receive his award from President Obama at a White House ceremony later this year.

Posted on by Steve

Geoffrey Gund, president of the board of trustees, made the following statement on behalf of The George Gund Foundation on the passing of George Gund III.

The deep sadness that my family feels at the passing of my brother George is shared by the entire extended family of The George Gund Foundation and, I am sure, by those who knew George through the Foundation’s work. He served faithfully and with honor as a trustee of the Foundation for 44 years, carrying out the wishes of our father, his namesake, to contribute to human well-being and the progress of society.
Posted on by Steve

From Rocco Landesman for ArtWorks:

I’ve been officially retired now for 27 days, which seems like as good a time as any to reflect on my time at the NEA. I felt from the outset that if you were ever going to do public service, if you didn’t do it now in this administration, when you would ever do it? It was by chance, completely out of left field that the opportunity came up. Margo Lion—who was the chairman of the President’s Advisement Committee during the campaign—after the 2008 election came in and said, “Can you think of someone who’d be a really good NEA chair?” I put my hand up and said, “I’ll do it!” It struck me that this would be a real chance to do something different than I had ever done in my life. It would be an opportunity to meet new people and people who are very dedicated to making the country a better place. And that’s exactly what happened.
Posted on by Steve

Americans for the Arts has named Clayton Lord as its new Vice President of Local Arts Advancement. Lord will be responsible for developing and executing all Americans for the Arts programs and services that strengthen and validate local arts agencies and the many other individuals and organizations that advance arts, culture and artists at the local level. Previously, Lord served as Director of Communications and Audience Development for Theatre Bay Area in San Francisco, one of the largest regional arts service organizations in the United States.

Posted on by Steve

Nonprofit Finance Fund is conducting its fifth annual nationwide survey examining the current state of the nonprofit sector. The survey collects data on important financial and management issues facing the nonprofit sector and takes around 10 minutes to fill out. NFF will analyze the data it receives and share the results in late March.

Posted on by Abigail

At TEDxHampshireCollege, Jarrett J. Krosoczka, author/illustrator of children's books and arts education advocate, delivers an inspiring talk on the family members, educators, and mentors that encouraged his childhood infatuation with drawing and storytelling. With humor and gravity, he links this encouragement to his success, as well as his ongoing efforts to encourage children to put creativity to paper.