GIA Blog

Posted on by Diane Ragsdale

Rather than posting a daily roundup of sessions that I’ve attended at GIA I decided to see all my sessions and then reflect upon them thematically. Let me start by saying that this has been a terrific conference and that … Continue reading

Posted on by createquity

Our third and final Grantmakers in the Arts conference video blog is our meatiest yet, covering curation as a moral imperative, rethinking the grant panel, expanding outside of our arts silos, and the nature of radical change. Oh, and there … Continue reading

Posted on by Barry Hessenius

Good morning. “And the beat goes on…………….” It’s been a great conference. But I am Cezanne and Renoir overloaded after the Barnes. Will post tomorrow a final blog on some great breakout sessions from earlier today – and some final … Continue reading

Posted on by Diane Ragsdale

When I left the Mellon Foundation in 2010 to move to the Netherlands I thought I had attended my last Grantmakers in the Arts conference, but I am quite happy to have been invited to take part in the 2013 … Continue reading

Posted on by createquity

Our second video report from Grantmakers covers arts and social justice as a vehicle for systemic change, a fantastic keynote from playwright Quiara Alegría Hudes, and our field’s “weird dance” with evaluation. Perhaps someday we’ll figure out how to make our … Continue reading

Posted on by Barry Hessenius

Good morning. “And the beat goes on………………” The first full day of the GIA Conference began with thumbnail presentations by young artists – all of whom were engaging and inspiring. I find it often difficult to write about an artist’s … Continue reading

Posted on by createquity

As a special treat to celebrate the Createquity editorial team’s convergence on Philadelphia for the Grantmakers in the Arts conference, we decided to try out a new format: video. In this inaugural go-round, we discuss the arts education preconference, networking, … Continue reading

Posted on by Barry Hessenius

Good Morning “And the beat goes on…………………………….” Blogging live from a conference is fraught with dangers. Unlike my regular weekly blog, which I can write, then re-write, then ponder, then dig deeper into some point, then re-write yet again — … Continue reading

Posted on by Steve

From Lauri Baskin, writing for TCG Circle:

As you know, because the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives were unable to reach a deal on funding federal government operations as the new fiscal year started today, the federal government was forced to shutdown for the first time in 17 years. We hope the stalemate is resolved quickly, and in the meanwhile, this is what we know.

Read the full post.

Posted on by Barry Hessenius

I’m off to Philadelphia next week to attend, and blog live from, the Grantmakers In the Arts annual conference — joining fellow bloggers Diane Ragsdale and Ian David Moss (and his team). This is my first visit back to a … Continue reading