GIA Blog

Posted on by Jaime Sharp

"For over 15 years, Sahar and I worked in proximity to one another as impact producers; strategists who lead campaigns to maximize the reach and impact of social issue documentary films...As impact producers, our role was to connect documentary films with people and organizations that could leverage the films to shift perceptions, behaviors, resources, legislation, narratives and power," said Sonya Childress for Medium. "Both Sahar and I shared a belief in the transformative power of film, and a deep respect for the artistry of filmmakers. We also felt deep accountability to the communities who would be most affected — positively or negatively — by nonfiction work."

Posted on by Jaime Sharp

From Forward Promise: "The grind of movement work takes an extra toll on leaders of color. Through their lived experiences, they are well-acquainted with the same dehumanization and racial trauma that they are committed to eradicating from society. Oftentimes, leaders of color are bearing this emotional, physical, and mental cost—the tax that they pay for their social consciousness—alone. They should not have to drive themselves to sickness or death in the war on racism. Right now, funders can do more than merely applaud their martyrdom by investing in the well-being of leaders of color in seven key ways."

Posted on by Jaime Sharp

"Invisibility is deadly. When they don’t see us, we don’t exist," said Crystal Echo Hawk (Pawnee) for Medium. "One of the biggest perpetrators of our erasure has been the multi-trillion dollar entertainment industry. Native American characters only make up between 0-.04% of primetime TV and films. What’s more, the 2021 Hollywood Diversity Report found Native representation in film has remained stagnant at 0.6%. Quite a stark difference from the 66.9% for white men. While these numbers are staggering, they are not surprising. They are part of the fuel that ignites our work to build pathways for Native creatives in the film industry."

Posted on by Jaime Sharp

From Filmmaker Magazine: "The conversation about documentary impact has undergone a number of shifts since impact producing began to emerge as a practice within the documentary field around 20 years ago. Today it is almost expected that a social issue documentary film will be accompanied by an impact campaign to help ensure its story will reach audiences and motivate them towards social change, deeper engagement with a story’s themes and further learning."

Posted on by Jaime Sharp

"The end of 2022 has brought the kind of news that gives philanthropy a bad rap. Most notably, the collapse of cryptocurrency giant FTX amid charges of fraud against its founder, Sam Bankman-Fried, led to a loss of millions of dollars in expected donations and questions about the much-heralded effective-altruism giving approach, for which Bankman-Fried served as a bankroller and poster boy," said Leslie Lenkowsky for The Chronicle of Philanthropy. "The FTX saga capped off a year of continuing challenges in the nonprofit world. High inflation cut into nonprofit budgets and endowments while also increasing operating costs. When estimates are reported, giving in 2022 measured in real dollars is likely to show little growth, or even a decline — one of the few times that’s happened outside of a recessionary year."

Posted on by Jaime Sharp

"A lucky group of artists in New York will get guaranteed income as part of an ambitious pilot program," said Jo Lawson-Tancred for artnet news. "The Creatives Rebuild New York (CRNY) initiative has announced that it is spending $43.2 million to distribute monthly payments of $1,000 to 2,400 to artists and other creatives living across the state. Lasting for 18 months, these cash payments come with no strings attached. "

Posted on by Jaime Sharp

From the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies: "The arts and creativity are increasingly recognized as necessary infrastructure for healthy, prosperous and equitable communities, regardless of community size or geography. The evidence backing the value of the arts continues to grow as more states and cities invest in arts based policies as a means to improve community health and well-being."

"As we presented in a previous From the Research Team, NASAA and the National League of Cities (NLC) collaborated to create a series of blog posts highlighting the strength of infusing the arts into communities in Colorado, New Hampshire and Rhode Island. Building on this blog series, NASAA and NLC convened a webinar, Leveraging Partnerships in the Arts to Strengthen Public Health, to further highlight arts and health work in Rhode Island and illustrate how arts and health programming is accomplished."

Posted on by Jaime Sharp

"Order this year’s CSA from Springboard for the Arts, and you won’t get squash or cucumbers. You’ll get monthly deliveries of unique local art." said Jared Kaufman for TwinCities Pioneer Press. "At the St. Paul artist resource organization, CSA stands for community-supported art. It’s an intentional nod to a better-known version of CSA — community-supported agriculture — through which people can support local farms for a whole growing season by pre-purchasing a subscription to receive regular fresh produce."

Posted on by Jaime Sharp

From the National Endowment for the Arts: "On Wednesday, January 11, 2023, from 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm ET, Arts Endowment staff will conduct a webinar on the Grants for Arts Projects guidelines. The webinar will include an overview of the funding category and tips for applicants, as well as a Q&A session."

"Grants for Arts Projects is the principal grants program of the National Endowment for the Arts for organizations based in the United States. Through project-based funding, the program supports public engagement with, and access to, various forms of art across the nation, the creation of art, learning in the arts at all stages of life, and the integration of the arts into the fabric of community life."

Posted on by Jaime Sharp

From Creative Generation: "During this episode of Why Change? co-hosts Ashraf and Jeff reflect on disrupting the field of community foundations through Ashraf’s interview with Celeste Smith, Senior Program Manager for Arts and Culture at The Pittsburgh Foundation, and Jonathan Cunningham, Senior Program Officer at Seattle Foundation. In this episode, you’ll hear conversations about systemic change in the way community foundations fund projects and smaller, BIPOC-led organizations, as well as how some foundations are funding beyond trauma and instead focusing on joy." Listen to the episode here.