GIA Blog

Posted on by Steve

Lucy Bernholz has the list of top-10 buzzwords from 2013 on The Chronicle of Philanthropy:

“Selfie” may be the Oxford English Dictionary’s choice for word of the year, but the nonprofit world is abuzz with other language that reveals what’s on the minds of people working to promote the common good. Here’s my list of the words that capture 2013 and beyond.

Read the full article.

Posted on by Steve

National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy (NCRP) will host a free webinar on Thrusday, December 19, 2pm EST, to discuss the report Smashing Silos in Philanthropy: Multi-Issue Advocacy And Organizing for Real Results, which was released last month. Presenters will be Niki Jagpal, Research and Policy Director, NCRP; Ai-jen Poo, Director, National Domestic Workers Alliance; and John Esterle, Executive Director, The Whitman Institute. You can get the report here and register for the webinar here.

Posted on by Tommer

On Thursday, the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis and the National Endowment for the Arts will release the first-ever estimates of the creative sector's contributions to U.S. gross domestic product based on 2011 data, the most recent figures available. GDP measures the nation's production of goods and services.

Posted on by Tommer

The Rockefeller Foundation released the first group of cities selected through the Rockefeller Foundation’s 100 Resilient Cities Centennial Challenge – cities who have demonstrated a dedicated commitment to building their own capacities to prepare for, withstand, and bounce

Posted on by Tommer

Sistema Global has released a comprehensive literature reivew of El Sistema and related programs worldwide. The Review is an inclusive document and represents a wide range of perspectives; not necessarily the views of El Sistema leadership.

Posted on by Steve

Rhode Island School of Design president John Maeda writes for Scientific American:

In DaVinci’s time when expertise in art and science had not yet matured to the polarized state in which they exist today, they coexisted naturally. Of course, science’s level of sophistication back then was quite different. But from where I sit as the president of the Rhode Island School of Design, it is clear to me that even current practices in scientific research have much to gain by involving artists in the process early and often. Artists serve as great partners in the communication of scientific research; moreover, they can serve as great partners in the navigation of the scientific unknown.
Posted on by Tommer

The Analysis of Policies, Practices, and Programs for Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is a useful tool for foundation staff, leadership, and other members of the philanthropy community who want to take action to advance DEI.

Posted on by Tommer

Media Impact Funders has launched a new website which includes a suite of new tools including searchable data maps, a searchable media database of funder-supported projects, and an entire section devoted to assessing the impact of media.

Posted on by Tommer

If a wealthy person writes a large check to a worthy cultural organization, does that constitute an act of leadership? It's an interesting question....