GIA Blog

Posted on by Jaime Sharp
Posted on by Jaime Sharp
Posted on by Jaime Sharp

From Funders for Justice:

Posted on by Jaime Sharp

From Council on Foundations: 

We invite philanthropic and nonprofit organizations to sign on to the statement below to join the Council on Foundations and Independent Sector in supporting the rights of philanthropic organizations, charitable nonprofits, and individual donors to give in ways that align with their values.  

Posted on by Jaime Sharp

From the Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation: 

Community Foundations for Just Communities
Thursday January 18 from 2-3:30 EST/1-2:30 CST/noon-1:30 MST/11-12:30 PST

Community Foundations can open doors for new ways to support artists and arts organizations.  Donor advised funds (DAFs), collaborations with private foundations, advocacy and lobbying are all aspects that can bring more resources to the field.  

Posted on by Jaime Sharp

From Arts Funders Forum: 

End the year with some of the thought leaders that we turn to for advice and wisdom. Hear about the most pressing issues facing arts funding, and their actionable solutions to forge ahead in 2024. 

Join them for this webinar on December 19 at 11 CT/12pm ET.

Learn more and register here

Posted on by Jaime Sharp

From Northern California Grantmakers: 

Posted on by Jaime Sharp

For the final conversation in 2023 for The Shift, Mark will be in conversation with the first woman of color to lead Dance/USA, a service organization for the dance field in its 40-year history. In this conversation, we will discuss how the Board of Directors should and can support women of color in executive leadership positions in the non-profit sector.

The discussion will stream on LinkedIn on Tuesday, December 12 from 2-2:45pm EST. Learn more here.

Posted on by Jaime Sharp

From The Boston Foundation: 

The Latino Equity Fund at the Boston Foundation (LEF) today announced $375,000 in grants to 20 Latinx-serving organizations in Massachusetts. The grants, made through an open request for proposals in September, bring the total grantmaking from the Fund to over $1.8 million since 2013, with $692,000 being distributed this calendar year, making 2023 the largest giving year for LEF.

Posted on by Jaime Sharp

From Funders for LGBTQ Issues: 

Encouraging funders to increase their grantmaking to transgender communities requires shifting philanthropic culture to be more inclusive and supportive of binary and non-binary transgender and gender non-conforming people as employees, colleagues, and leaders within the sector. Yet transgender people remain woefully under-represented in philanthropy, and trans-specific professional and leadership development opportunities remain rare.