GIA Blog

Posted on by Monica

The Getty Foundation has awarded nearly $14 million in grants to support their second edition of Pacific Standard Time, a regional collaborative effort of 46 art exhibitions and events from San Diego to Santa Barbara opening in 2017. Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA will explore art of the Latin American diaspora.

Posted on by Steve

In Unmasking the Hidden Attraction of the Arts, Bill O’Brien of the National Endowment for the Arts discusses the growing role of artists and the arts in cross-sector work, including in healthcare and science.

Posted on by Monica

By Sandra Abma, writing for CBC News:

[Canada's] biggest arts and cultural institutions, including the CBC, are getting a cash infusion over the next five years. Local arts organizations will also see a financial boost to aid in construction of cultural spaces and repairs to existing facilities. The Canada Council, which provides funding to artists and cultural projects across the country, will see its annual budget of $182 million nearly doubled within five years, although it will see only $40 million extra this coming year.
Posted on by Judi Jennings

I became the Executive Director of the Kentucky Foundation for Women, a private philanthropy focusing on feminist art for social change, in September 1998 and met Claudine that October at my first national meeting of Grantmakers in the Arts. She stood out as a leader with her radiant smile and formidable presence. As I came to learn, she also stood out as a connector, a steadfast ally to all who believe in the power of art and culture to create a more just and beautiful world.

Posted on by Monica

Since the passing of Claudine Brown, others who knew her have shared memories of Brown as an inspirational leader and arts advocate.

From The Nathan Cummings Foundation:

For more than a decade, she supported the achievements of community-based arts practitioners, brokered relationships between artists and activists, and encouraged the growth and transformation of this field.
Posted on by Monica

From the Arts Education Partnership:

The Arts Education Partnership (AEP), a national coalition of more than 100 education, arts, business, cultural, government and philanthropic organizations, has selected Jane Best as its new director. … Prior to joining AEP, Best served as the chief strategy officer for McREL International, an educational research and development nonprofit organization, and as chief development officer for My Student Survey.
Posted on by Monica

A new report supported by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, and WESTAF and written by Barry Hessenius examines the communications activities of arts organizations. The report, based on a survey in the fall of 2015, looks at the nature of internal and external communications, as well as how these communications are managed. The results of the survey offer baseline information about the modes, volume, effectiveness of communication in arts organizations, as well as their impact on productivity and organizational efficiency.

Posted on by Monica

Grantmakers in the Arts mourns the loss of Claudine Brown, who passed away on the night of March 17, 2016. Brown served on the GIA board from 1996 to 2001, including as board chair in 1999-2000, and was instrumental in building GIA into the professional organization it is today. She also created the social justice working group whose efforts led to GIA’s racial equity initiative.

Brown worked most recently as assistant secretary for education and access at the Smithsonian Institution.

Posted on by Monica

Tom Rothman, chairman of Sony Pictures Entertainment’s Motion Picture Group, a GIA member and funding partner, was appointed by President Obama and has been confirmed by the United States Senate as a member of the National Council on the Arts, the advisory body of the National Endowment for the Arts.

Posted on by Monica

By Robert Viagas, writing for Playbill:

Responding to a January 2015 report that highlighted a lack of racial diversity in New York arts groups, New York City announced March 16 that it has allocated $2 million to the city's theatre groups to support "a more inclusive theatre community."