GIA Blog

Posted on by SuJ'n

For the month of May, GIA’s photo banner features work supported by The George Gund Foundation. The private foundation was established in 1952 by George Gund to provide intelligent underwriting of creative solutions to the issues and for the institutions that were important to him. Areas of focus include the arts, economic development and community revitalization, education, environment, and human services.

Posted on by Monica

A recent article in The New York Times highlights the impact of National Endowment for the Arts funding in South Dakota, “a largely rural, politically red state”: South Dakota, which has fewer than a million people, received the fifth-highest amount of federal arts money per person in the nation last year, and the endowment’s generally … Continue reading In Rural, Conservative South Dakota, NEA Funding Is Crucial to Arts Community

Posted on by Monica

Grantmakers in the Arts heard from members that they are looking to learn from each other and from GIA about strategies to address the changing political climate and its effects on the arts community. To that end, GIA has created Arts Funders Respond: Engaging the Political Climate, a new website with regular updates on actions and statements funders are making across the country, as well as news updates and resources for advocacy. Learn how arts funders are taking action with program and policy changes. Read statements, op-eds, and blog posts by foundation leaders and others in the field. Get updates on the latest news and articles on issues that impact the arts community. And discover resources to support advocacy efforts for public and private funders.

Posted on by Monica

A new survey by Exponent Philanthropy shows the vast majority of its members (82%) expect the institution of philanthropy to play a more important role in society as a result of recent changes in Washington, DC. Issued in late March to Exponent Philanthropy’s members – foundations with few or no staff, philanthropic families, and individual donors – the informal “Pulse Check” survey looked at how changes today in politics may impact philanthropic behavior in the year ahead, both in terms of giving practices and investments.

Posted on by Steve

In an article in the latest issue of the GIA Reader, author Cathy Edwards, executive director of the New England Foundation for the Arts, discusses the work of the National Dance Project. “Moving Dance Forward: Twenty Years of Grantmaking for a Changing Landscape” summarizes the results of a similarly named report and discusses the needs, trends, and demographics among dance makers and presenters.

Posted on by Monica

A new survey by Exponent Philanthropy shows the vast majority of its members (82%) expect the institution of philanthropy to play a more important role in society as a result of recent changes in Washington, DC. Issued in late March to Exponent Philanthropy’s members – foundations with few or no staff, philanthropic families, and individual … Continue reading Survey: Grantmakers Expect Philanthropy to Play a More Important Role in Society as a Result of Recent Changes in Washington, DC

Posted on by Monica

Laura Zucker has announced her plans to leave her position as executive director of the Los Angeles County Arts Commission on July 31, 2017. Zucker has been a driving force in the development and support of the arts and culture ecosystem of Los Angeles County over the last 25 years. Under Zucker’s guidance, the County’s organizational grant program grew eight-fold and now funds almost 400 nonprofit arts organizations through a two-year $9 million grant program.

Posted on by Monica

A recent article in The Denver Post highlights a new public-private partnership to fund arts programs that also support human services:

The grants are a public-private partnership between the state, through its Colorado Creative Industries division, Denver’s Bonfils-Stanton Foundation and the Hemera Foundation, based in Boulder.

It’s rare for government and nonprofit grant-makers to work together, but even more unusual for them to break out of their regimens. Bonfils-Stantion CEO Gary Steuer said it happened because the foundations saw these cross-over efforts happening organically in the community and wanted to come up with a way to provide support.

More and more, artists and performers were offering programs with a social service component — not just making art for art’s sake, but conducting theater workshops at rec centers and presenting plays to combat teen suicide.

Posted on by Monica

The New York City Cultural Agenda Fund, a collaborative fund managed by the New York Community Trust, is seeking proposals for grants to support arts advocacy efforts in New York City. Read the announcement.

Posted on by Monica

From Hyperallergic: A new report by the National Endowment for the Arts and the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) of the US Department of Commerce tracks the economic impact of the arts nationally and state by state. Read the article.