Barry Hessenius's Blog

Posted on by Barry Hessenius

Good morning. “And the beat goes on…………….” It’s been a great conference. But I am Cezanne and Renoir overloaded after the Barnes. Will post tomorrow a final blog on some great breakout sessions from earlier today – and some final … Continue reading

Posted on by Barry Hessenius

Good morning. “And the beat goes on………………” The first full day of the GIA Conference began with thumbnail presentations by young artists – all of whom were engaging and inspiring. I find it often difficult to write about an artist’s … Continue reading

Posted on by Barry Hessenius

Good Morning “And the beat goes on…………………………….” Blogging live from a conference is fraught with dangers. Unlike my regular weekly blog, which I can write, then re-write, then ponder, then dig deeper into some point, then re-write yet again — … Continue reading

Posted on by Barry Hessenius

I’m off to Philadelphia next week to attend, and blog live from, the Grantmakers In the Arts annual conference — joining fellow bloggers Diane Ragsdale and Ian David Moss (and his team). This is my first visit back to a … Continue reading

Posted on by Barry Hessenius

Good morning. “And the beat goes on…………………………” GIA – Day 3: The final day at any arts convention is usually a little anti-climatic.  People are checking out in the morning, some off for early flights; others are staying over to … Continue reading

Posted on by Barry Hessenius

Good morning. “And the beat goes on……………………….” GIA in San Francisco, Tuesday: Day 2 This day started out with a continental breakfast that included scrambled eggs, fresh fruit and croissants — a definite step up from the usual hotel continental … Continue reading

Posted on by Barry Hessenius

Good morning. “And the beat goes on………………………..” GIA in San Francisco, Monday: Day 1 As I live in Marin just across the bay from San Francisco, I got up early and in very San Francisco style made my way over … Continue reading

Posted on by Barry Hessenius

Good afternoon. “And the beat goes on…………………………..” Grantmakers in the Arts Conference – Embracing the Velocity of Change: I had a great time at GIA’s Chicago gathering last year, and I have been waiting in eager anticipation for this conference … Continue reading

Posted on by Barry Hessenius

Good morning: “And the beat goes on…………………” Wrap-Up: 3 to 4 day conferences are strange little experiences.  None any more so than gatherings of arts leaders.  Thrown together in one space, there is a usual breakdown in these things that … Continue reading

Posted on by Barry Hessenius

“And the beat goes on……………” Reflections: The CapitalizationProject will have to confront the thorny issue lying underneath the surface: the assumption that to get where the project seeks to go there will have to be, at least some wholesale restructuring … Continue reading