Monica's Blog

Posted on by Monica

At the closing plenary of the 2017 GIA Conference, Rip Rapson spoke on how The Kresge Foundation has reasserted its values and called on arts funders and cultural workers to continue to put their own values into action.

“In no time in my memory has it been more important for arts and culture to become part of a larger movement of social justice — helping strengthen the alliances necessary to speak and advance those truths of equity, fairness, and justice that we know to be inviolable.”

Read the full transcript.

Posted on by Monica

Grantmakers in the Arts is relocating its offices to New York City in January, 2018 and is seeking to hire several staff positions. Under the leadership of Eddie Torres, president & CEO, GIA will begin reviewing applications on November 17 and all positions will remain open until filled. View all open positions.

Posted on by Monica

The Wallace Foundation is publishing a series of market research reports to support efforts to improve attendance and audience engagement at arts institutions around the country. As reported by Nonprofit Quarterly:

In response to a declining audience base for many major art forms, the Wallace Foundation’s $52 million [Building Audiences for Sustainability] initiative looked at Ballet Austin. . . . Over time, BAS will study a total of 25 performing arts organizations. The goal is to help these individual arts organizations as well as to develop insights for the arts field in general.
Posted on by Monica

From MiBiz:

Funding for arts and culture in Michigan received a $1 million bump for 2018.

Bringing the total state budget allocation for arts and cultural programs up to $10.7 million signals a recognition by state lawmakers of the importance of events and programming such as music festivals and art centers — and of the arts in schools across Michigan, according to industry sources.

“The state legislature and Gov. Snyder’s administration have been very good to us,” said John Bracey, executive director of the Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs (MCACA). “In 2010, we were only granted $1.7 million and we were on the brink of elimination. From that time, we’ve gotten a few increases here and there and leveled out at that $9.7 million level.”

Posted on by Monica

From Jerome Foundation:

In 2013, the Foundations had entered a close working partnership as Camargo re-staffed and revitalized its programs, with Jerome Foundation Board and staff providing guidance and leadership in this transitional period. The success of this alliance has been remarkable. A new staff of dedicated and committed individuals, headed by Julie Chénot (who joined the Foundation to head programs in 2014), has been engaged.

With this re-emergence of Camargo as a vital residency center for artists, scholars, and thinkers, Camargo is now ready to embark on a new path. In recognition of the successes achieved, Camargo Program Director Julie Chénot has been promoted to the role of Executive Director of the Camargo Foundation.

Posted on by Monica

In a recent blog post on Philanthropy News Digest, Dance/NYC Executive Director Lane Harwell writes about the importance of supporting artists with disabilities:

The moment is rife with opportunity. On the one hand, there are opportunities for more expansive disability-specific funds. Indeed, a new generation of disability arts organizations and fiscally sponsored projects is primed for capacity-building investments, and there are critical gaps in funding for disabled artists along the artistic development continuum, from public school classrooms to professional studios and stages.

At the same time, it is incumbent on philanthropy to develop intersectional strategies that consider disability within and across arts funding portfolios rather than in isolation.

Posted on by Monica

A recent editorial in The Boston Globe discusses the state of government arts funding in Massachusetts. Last month, the state legislature overrode Governor Baker’s veto of the $14 million arts budget — the same funding level as the previous year. The editorial highlights the impact of arts funding across the state, including work funded by the Massachusetts Cultural Council and Barr Foundation.

Read the article on The Boston Globe.

Posted on by Monica

The North Dakota Council on the Arts (NDCA), with the generous support of the Bush Foundation, has announced the release of its arts and creative aging toolkit to be sent to every elder care facility and local arts agency in North Dakota and South Dakota, 300 elder care activities coordinators in Minnesota, and every state arts agency in the country. Reaching 1,200 organizations, it is one of the largest efforts of its kind.

Posted on by Monica

From Native Arts & Cultures Foundation:

On June 1 and 2, 2017, the Native Arts and Cultures Foundation celebrated the passion and creativity of our 2016 cohort of National Artist Fellows with a two-day Convening in Portland, Ore. This marked the first time NACF has been able to convene the artists, who spent two days sharing and learning from one another, in conversation with guest presenters, and discussing ways to strengthen and enhance their work and communities, and the field of Native arts and cultures.
Posted on by Monica

The Robert Rauschenberg Foundation has announced the appointment of Kathy Halbreich as its new executive director. Halbreich currently serves as associate director of The Museum of Modern Art. She brings to the foundation more than 30 years of experience leading cultural institutions, a fundamental belief in the power of artists to catalyze social change, and a deep commitment to the role artist foundations can play in expanding opportunities for cultural conversation. The appointment is effective November 1, 2017.