Carmen Graciela Díaz's Blog

Posted on by Carmen Graciela Díaz

Working Artists and the Greater Economy (W.A.G.E.) recently announced the Institute of Contemporary Art at the University of Pennsylvania became a W.A.G.E. Certified museum. This certification was initiated with the understanding that the nonprofit sector has not been capable of regulating itself historically, nor has there been evidence of substantial change in present efforts, explains the organization.

Posted on by Carmen Graciela Díaz

Grantmakers in the Arts is pleased to announce 8 new members from across the nation, and a new co-chair, to the Support for Individual Artists Committee.

Posted on by Carmen Graciela Díaz

Despite the Trump Administration’s 2019 budget request that proposes the elimination of the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), among other cultural agencies, federal funding for the arts increased as congressional leaders reached a tentative agreement Wednesday night on a $1.3 trillion federal spending bill.

Posted on by Carmen Graciela Díaz

The Memphis Music Initiative (MMI), dedicated to broaden and strengthen existing music engagement offerings in and out of schools and supporting youth-centered, community-based music spaces, released a new study that looks at the landscape of equity in arts funding alongside patterns of exclusionary funding practices which all too regularly confront black and brown arts organizations.

Posted on by Carmen Graciela Díaz

The arts community mourns the loss of Congresswoman Louise Slaughter of New York, who died Friday in Washington, D.C. She was 88.

"Louise has been a champion of the arts for decades and our organization and its members are profoundly saddened, but still spirited in her honor and grateful for all she has given in service to her constituents at home and nationwide through her passionate support for the value of the arts and arts education," said Americans for the Arts President Robert Lynch in a statement.

Posted on by Carmen Graciela Díaz

Before ceasing publication at the end of 2017, Createquity released a set of recommendations for arts philanthropists, including suggestions to create greater impact for the sector.

Posted on by Carmen Graciela Díaz

The Nathan Cummings Foundation (NCF) will align 100 percent of their nearly half-billion dollar endowment with their mission, says their announcement. NCF is focused on finding solutions to climate crisis and growing inequality.

Posted on by Carmen Graciela Díaz

OpenNotes, an initiative that aims to make health care more transparent through open relationships between doctors and patients, serves as an imperfect, yet instructive model for how to strengthen relationships between funders and grantees.

Posted on by Carmen Graciela Díaz

Southern communities have long been working to dismantle racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic barriers despite few resources and little support from philanthropy, explains the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy (NCRP) and Grantmakers for Southern Progress (GSP) in a recently released report. The Bearing Fruit report, part of the As the South Grows series, focuses on Metro Atlanta, revealing among other data that only 2% of grantmaking goes to power-building strategies and only 20% goes to underserved communities.

Posted on by Carmen Graciela Díaz

A conversation with staff about inclusion is fundamental in order for them to feel both welcome and able to contribute to a foundation’s work when sharing their experiences, affirms Kevin Bolduc, vice president of assessment and advisory services at the Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP).