Carmen Graciela Díaz's Blog

Posted on by Carmen Graciela Díaz

Mid-America Arts Alliance (M-AAA) announced Interchange, a new pilot program created to strengthen communities and individual artists within the organization's region by supporting artist-led projects focused on social impact.

Posted on by Carmen Graciela Díaz

An initiative to prevent funding groups that promote hatred was recently launched by Amalgamated Foundation and its partners. The "Hate Is Not Charitable" campaign is calling for Donor Advised Funds (DAF) providers "to exercise their legal discretion over grants recommended by their donors and adopt pro-active policies to ensure that funds do not flow to organizations that promote hatred."

Posted on by Carmen Graciela Díaz

For the month of April, GIA’s photo banner features work supported by Calgary Arts Development.

Calgary Arts Development supports and strengthens the arts to benefit all Calgarians. The agency invests and allocates municipal funding for the arts provided by The City of Calgary to support hundreds of arts organizations, individual artists, artist collectives, and ad hoc groups in Calgary, Alberta, in Canada.

Posted on by Carmen Graciela Díaz

Twenty-five rising high school seniors will have paid internships during the summer at local Boston arts and cultural organizations through the Bloomberg Arts Internship. The program seeks to help them develop career skills and gain professional experience in the arts, besides providing students college-readiness preparation.

Posted on by Carmen Graciela Díaz

A publicly-owned space, ARTS at King Street Station, a combination gallery and offices for the Seattle Office of Art and Culture, as Next City points out, is the house for a new exhibit, yəhaw̓, that features 280 indigenous artworks.

Posted on by Carmen Graciela Díaz

Almost three in four foundations (72 percent) with few or no staff report racial equity as "somewhat" or "very relevant" to their mission, with almost two in five (37 percent) reporting that racial equity was "very relevant" to their work, according to Exponent Philanthropy’s 2019 Foundation Operations and Management Report.

Posted on by Carmen Graciela Díaz

A shift is underway in American theater. According to a national survey of artistic directors turnover at American theaters conducted by two Bay Area directors, women have been named to 41 percent of the 85 jobs filled since 2015, and people of color have been named to 26 percent.

Posted on by Carmen Graciela Díaz

The severe flooding across parts of the Midwest -including South Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa, Wisconsin, Kansas, and Missouri- killed at least three people and, according to The New York Times, is "inflicting a devastating toll on farmers and ranchers at a moment when they can least afford it."

Posted on by Carmen Graciela Díaz

"The Artist as Problem Solver II: Building the Capacity of Artists & Cultural Workers as Civic Leaders" is the theme of the Joyce Foundation’s Creative Placekeeping & Placemaking Summit in Cleveland from March 21 to 22.

Posted on by Carmen Graciela Díaz

The Pittsburgh Foundation and New Voices for Reproductive Justice launched recently the Social Justice Rapid Response Fund, a new grantmaking program aimed at providing support for activists and civic organizations in underserved communities across Allegheny County, in the southwest of Pennsylvania, reported NEXTpittsburgh.