Support for Individual Artists

GIA members have been working together to promote and improve funding for individual artists for over 20 years. The Support for Individual Artists Committee has been one of the most active groups of funders within GIA. Over the years, the committee has been an incubator for such projects as a scan of scholarly research on artist support, a visual timeline outlining the history of artist support funding, major publications, and programs, and the development of a national taxonomy for reporting data on support for individual artists. The committee continues to advise, inspire, and inform GIA’s thought leadership and programming in support for individual artists.

Click here to listen to the latest podcast, and see below for resources.

by giarts-ts-admin

Strategies for funding individual artists can often resemble the principles and policies of trickle-down economics. Grants to arts organizations secure the physical plant and operations of those organizations, allowing them to offer artists the opportunity to present their work, to be seen and heard — at which point the obligation to the artists is fulfilled. This model does not acknowledge that artists and the things they make defy supply-and-demand economics.

by Anonymous

The GIA Support for Individual Artists Group Steering Committee completed its case statement advocating for support of individual artists, now posted on the GIA website. It forms the cornerstone of an article that will appear in the winter issue of the GIA Reader. The Steering Committee will use various strategies for disseminating this statement and advocating for its message.

by giarts-ts-admin

Grantmakers interested in support for individual artists and in arts and social justice will have a special opportunity to meet together for a preconference day on October 9 in San Francisco, part of the 2011 Grantmakers in the Arts conference. It promises to be a full and vibrant day. Members of the Steering Committee will propose sessions within the main conference track and plenary/keynote speakers that will address support for individual artists.

by giarts-ts-admin

The GIA Individual Artists Group Steering Committee is developing a case statement advocating for support of artists, based in part upon survey data collected from GIA members who have programs of support, direct and indirect, for individual artists. A draft statement will be the subject of a salon session and discussion during the annual conference in San Francisco this October. The Group will use various strategies for disseminating this statement and advocating for its message.

by giarts-ts-admin
It’s past midnight and the boy holds a flashlight steady in one hand while the other moves carefully on paper as he sits engrossed by the images laid out in the center of the book. He’s trying to get the curve of the tongue down just so before the tip of his pencil wears out to a blunt gray wash. When he’s got the tongue down, he faces a network of laces and eyeholes that suddenly appear to be too much a thicket of detail for his now quickly dropping lids.
by giarts-ts-admin

2011, 95 pages. Artspace Projects, 250 Third Avenue North Suite 500, Minneapolis, MN 55401, (612) 333-9012,


   How Art Spaces Matter II (5.5Mb)

by giarts-ts-admin

2010, 123 pages. Artspace Projects, 250 Third Avenue North Suite 500, Minneapolis, MN 55401, (612) 333-9012,


   How Artist Space Matters (3.2Mb)

by giarts-ts-admin

Written and compiled by Shannon Stewart. 2010, All-ages Movement Project, Seattle, WA

The back cover of In Every Town: An All-ages Music Manualfesto announces, “IT'S IN YOUR HANDS.” The book is a call to action to put on and support all-ages music shows and to give musicians the tools to develop and release their own music.

by giarts-ts-admin

32 pages, Alliance of Artists Communities, 255 S Main Street, Providence, Rhode Island, 02903-2910, (401) 351-4320,

by giarts-ts-admin
Culture is more powerful than politics and surprisingly capable of withstanding change wrought disproportionately by force of arms.
— Jim Leach, chair, National Endowment for the Humanities