Arts Education

by Abigail

April 2010, 224 pages, ISBN 978-0-9815593-5-3. New Village Press, PO Box 3049, Oakland, CA, 94609, 510-420-1361,

by giarts-ts-admin

Speech delivered at the Council on Foundations Family Foundation Conference, February 2, 2010, San Diego

by Steve

ARTWorks for Kids, part of the Hunt Alternatives Fund, garners sustained private and public support of arts organizations in Eastern Massachusetts and promotes the arts in classrooms, afterschool programs, and the larger community. This brochure is aimed at arts education advocacy.


   Making the Policy Case for Public Investment in Youth Arts (564Kb)

by Steve

Grantmakers in the Arts – 2009 Conference – Sunday, October 18, 2009

Morning: Opportunities in Arts Education: What’s Different Now?
by Steve

In October 2007, GIA and Grantmakers for Education (GFE) scheduled our respective annual conferences consecutively so that we could plan a collaborative program on arts and education. Over 90 funders took part in the Weekend, either extending their stay after the GFE conference, or arriving early before the GIA conference. A small group of members attended all three conferences and we asked a few of them to write about their experience.

Arts Education Weekend in Santa Fe: When the 'Twain Meet

by Steve

Every field develops a language of its own which is generally understood by those immersed in that field. In the last twenty years Arts Education has in fact become a field and as such has a vocabulary all its own. This is not to say that those deeply involved in arts education all speak the same language—there are variations and nuances to the terms that can mystify and confound even the most experienced arts educators. But for those who do not have a background in arts education, it can be a veritable Tower of Babel.

by Steve

The Principals’ Arts Leadership (PAL) program was created by ArtsEd Washington in 2004 to inform and support elementary school teams, led by principals, in the development and implementation of school arts plans to increase arts education. Each school’s plan was intended to build on and reflect the unique pathway appropriate to that school’s characteristics and community, using existing and new resources.