Arts Education

by giarts-ts-admin

April 2013, 6 pages. Arts Education Partnership, One Massachusetts Ave NW, Suite 700, Washington, D.C., 20001.


   Preparing Students for the Next America (112 Kb)

by Steve

Inspired by their recently released joint publication, More Than the Sum of its Parts: Collaboration & Sustainability in Arts Education, representatives of Big Thought and the National Guild for Community Arts Education will lead an interactive exploration of how arts organizations in communities across America are increasing access to, multiplying the benefits of, and sustaining quality arts education through large-scale, cross-sector collaborations.

by Steve

The Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships Office, in partnership with the Office of Innovation and Improvement, is hosting a pair of webinars on the “Investing in Innovation” (i3) funding opportunity. These webinars intend to provide relevant information to complete the pre-application for the i3 competition. The first is taking place Tuesday, April 16, 2013, 2pm EDT and is about the Q&A i3 PRE-APPLICATION. Register with this link.

by Steve

From ED Review, April 12, 2013

...a bi-weekly update on U.S. Department of Education activities relevant to the Intergovernmental and Corporate community and other stakeholders

by giarts-ts-admin


   Overview of the Current Status Of ESEA Waivers (611 Kb)

Attached is a state-by-state chart that provides an overview of the current ESEA flexibility request status of all states, including the District of Columbia. Here are some of the highlights:

by giarts-ts-admin


   Analysis of FY 2014 Budget Request for the Department of Education (111 Kb)

The Obama Administration submitted the FY 2014 budget request to Congress on April 10, 2013. Below is a summary and analysis of the portion of the budget request pertaining to the U.S. Department of Education (ED).

by Steve

From Alyson Klein, writing for Education Week:

Now that sequestration, that looming, scary, Inside-the-Beltway possibility, is finally upon us, what does that mean for states and school districts? Here's a rundown:

1) What exactly is sequestration? Sequestration is a series of across-the-board cuts to a broad range of federal programs, including those in the U.S. Department of Education, set to hit the government on Friday, March 1, unless Congress and the Obama administration make a last-ditch effort to stop them. Programs in the U.S. Department of Education would be cut by about 5.3 percent, according to the Government Accountability Office. The cuts aren't just for this year, either. They're aimed at chopping $1.2 trillion out of the federal deficit over the next decade. So, if nothing happens, they're the new normal.

by Steve

From Valerie Strauss, writing for The Washington Post:

Nearly all of the states and the District of Columbia have adopted the Common Core State Standards in English language arts and math and are in the process of getting ready to implement them by 2014. In a number of states, however, the standards are meeting with growing resistance for reasons including questions about who was behind the initiative and whether they are better than previous standards. Alabama, for example recently said it was pulling out of the two consortia that are working on creating standardized tests aligned with the standards. In this and the next two blog posts, we explore some of the issues surrounding the standards.