Arts Education

by Steve


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On September 15, 2014, Success for All Foundation, the KIPP Foundation, Reading Recovery, and Teach for America convened a briefing and panel to discuss Investing in Innovation Fund (i3) grantees’ successes and difficulties since receiving i3 scale-up grants to expand their programs.

by Steve

GIA, on behalf of the Arts Education Funders Coalition, commented on how arts education and the arts generally could be better infused into a number of the priorities proposed by the Department of Education. DoE will now consider our comments as well as other public comments in fashioning final priorities to be used for its discretionary grant programs.


by Steve

Southern California Public Radio station KPCC has performed an analysis of arts instruction at Los Angeles Unified elementary schools. It found 87 percent of these schools won’t offer comprehensive access in the coming school year, in violation of California law. Only about 70 of the district’s more than 500 elementary schools will provide all four art forms: dance, visual arts, music and theater. But most of those only provide arts access to a portion of each school’s students.

by giarts-ts-admin

July 2014, 46 pages. Ingenuity, 11 E. Hubbard, Suite 200, Chicago, Illinois, 60611. (312) 583-7459.


by giarts-ts-admin

Ingenuity, a Chicago-based arts advocacy organization, has released a new report, State of the Arts in Chicago Public Schools, detailing the level of arts-related instruction, staffing, partnerships, and funding in Chicago Public Schools during the 2012-13 school year. The data collected describes how schools match up to the goals and recommendations set forth in the City’s first-ever CPS Arts Education Plan which was approved by the Chicago Board of Education in November of 2012.

by giarts-ts-admin

Art Works/National Endowment for the Arts. 2014, National Endowment for the Arts, Washington, D.C.

by giarts-ts-admin

Marco Sanchez was in the third grade in 2010 when the San Diego Youth Symphony and Conservatory (SDYS) launched the Community Opus Project in Chula Vista Elementary School District (CVESD). Participating in the after-school El Sistema–inspired music program, Marco went home from his Community Opus sessions two days a week and taught his younger brother Rodrigo what he was learning in class. This was not unusual for a Community Opus student, who has been immersed in a program that encourages peer teaching as a cornerstone of its pedagogy.

by giarts-ts-admin

An American lady traveling to Paris in 1913 — the kind of American lady who will still be traveling to Paris in 2013 — asked Ezra Pound what he thought art was for. Pound replied: “Ask me what a rose bush is for.”

Europe was on the edge of war. Do rose bushes matter in a war? What can art do for us now, in the likelihood of another war?

by Steve

From by Geoff Decker, writing for Chalkbeat New York:

The city should subsidize the salaries of new arts teachers for up to three years to make sure schools are complying with state arts requirements, a coalition of education advocates says. In a letter sent to Chancellor Carmen Fariña on this week, the group outlined tips for how the Department of Education should spend an extra $23 million that’s likely to be allotted to the arts budget next year. Arts spending has fallen over the past decade amid shifting priorities, hovering at around $300 million in recent years.