F. Javier Torres

F. Javier Torres

by giarts-ts-admin

How does philanthropy stay accountable to the values we claim to espouse? Over the past seven years, ArtPlace America invested $87 million in supporting artists as allies in equitable community development. The National Creative Placemaking Fund (NCPF) funded 279 creative placemaking projects in 208 communities of all sizes across the United States. As that fund came to a close at the end of 2017, we decided to interrogate how effective we had been at aligning our values with our assumptions and philanthropic practice.

by giarts-ts-admin

A new level of debate about equity began when the National Committee on Responsive Philanthropy (NCRP) released its report Fusing Arts, Culture and Social Change: High Impact Strategies for Philanthropy, by Holly Sidford, at the October 2011 GIA conference in San Francisco.

by giarts-ts-admin

Maria Rosario Jackson, Joaquín Herranz, and Florence Kabwasa-Green. 2003. Washington, DC: Urban Institute.

This article is part of the Revisiting Research series.

by giarts-ts-admin

There is no doubt that the face of art and culture in the United States is changing.