Digest: Studies, Books, Web Sites, and Other Publications
2010, 547 pages, The Aspen Institute, One Dupont Circle NW, Ste 700, Washington, DC, 20036, 202-736-5800 www.aspeninstitute.org
Read More...2007, 32 pages, www.tdavid.net
Because an intermediary organization (IO) is being asked to take on a function for a foundation, lines of power and authority can become blurred, especially in cases when an outside entity is making grants and convening key parties with the foundation’s dollars and under the foundation’s imprimatur. Tom David offers a series of best practices and outcomes based on interviews with over 50 foundations who have partnered with IOs:
Read More...2007, 16 pages, Foundation Source Press, 55 Walls Dr, Fairfield, CT, 06824, 800-839-0054 www.foundationsource.org
Foundation Source is a strategic advisor to over 500 family foundations. In this capacity, it has helped its clients identify and work toward a wide variety of goals. This booklet presents case studies of foundations assuming the following roles:
- Checkbook philanthropists who provide critical unrestricted support.
- Responsive funders who actively solicit proposals in their areas of interest.
2006, 30 pages, The Aspen Institute, One Dupont Circle NW, Ste 700, Washington, DC, 20036, 202-736-5800 www.aspeninstitute.org
Read More...2010, 504 pages, The Aspen Institute, One Dupont Circle NW, Ste 700, Washington, DC, 20036, 202-736-5800 www.aspeninstitute.org
Read More...2010, 24 pages, FSG Social Impact Advisors, 20 Park Plaza, Ste 320, Boston, MA, 02116, 866-351-8484 www.fsg.org

This paper profiles funders based in the Pacific Northwest and their response to the economic downturn, which the authors found to be largely effective. The actions and experiences of the profiled funders offer a set of guiding principles:
Creative Placemaking (4.7Mb)
Creative Placemaking features sections on the:
- Challenges for creative placemaking such as clearing regulatory hurdles and developing evaluation metrics.
- Components of successful projects including mobilizing public will and designing around distinctiveness.
2009, 126 pages, ISBN: 978-0-615-27727-1. National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy, 1331 H St NW, Ste 200, Washington, DC, 20005, 202-387-9177 www.ncrp.org
Read More...2010, 44 pages, Ford Foundation, 320 E 43d St, New York, NY, 10017, 212-573-5000 www.fordfoundation.org
Read More...2010, 24 pages, The Center for Effective Philanthropy, 675 Massachusetts Avenue, 7th Floor, Cambridge, MA, 02139, 617-492-0800 www.effectivephilanthropy.org