Ben Cameron

Ben Cameron

by giarts-ts-admin

Having worked with panels since my first job in philanthropy at the National Endowment for the Arts, thirty years ago, I am always interested in learning more about how to make the panel system better. Discussions about process, scoring systems, panel adjudication methods, conflict of interest, panel recruitment, multistep review processes, criteria, and more are infinitely fascinating to me and at the heart of improving our own work at the Jerome Foundation.

by giarts-ts-admin

In early 2016, I became president of the Jerome Foundation, following Cindy Gehrig’s remarkable thirty-seven-year tenure. With so many changes in the world at large as well as in the arts, our board of directors was eager to explore these changes, debate what the future might hold, and engage in self-scrutiny as a prelude to setting a new strategic framework to guide Jerome’s grantmaking during our next chapter.

by giarts-ts-admin

Speech delivered at the Council on Foundations Family Foundation Conference, February 2, 2010, San Diego

by giarts-ts-admin

The fall 2002 issue of the Reader (volume 13, number 3) introduced an ongoing feature, "Why Art?" as a response to GIA's goal to strengthen the role of arts and culture in philanthropy and in society as a whole. This Reader feature aims to help members and others make stronger arguments for the support of arts and culture by sharing examples of arguments, case statements, insights, and stories that convey the multifaceted role that culture, the arts, and artists play in our society, neighborhoods, and individual lives.

by giarts-ts-admin
The following remarks were presented to almost 400 Arizona arts workers, board members, and volunteers at the Southwest Arts Conference of the Arizona Commission on the Arts, January 30, 2004. Cameron's comments built on the conference theme, "Revealing the Public Value of the Arts."