Steven J. Tepper

Steven J. Tepper

by giarts-ts-admin

33 pages, Feburary 2014. The Curb Center for Art, Enterprise & Public Policy, 1801 Edgehill Avenue, Nashville, TN 37212, (615) 322.2872,

by giarts-ts-admin

This is part of the special section, Art as Research.

This article was adapted from Placing the Arts at the Heart of the Creative Campus, a white paper by Alan Brown and Steven Tepper, commissioned by the Association of Performing Arts Presenters.
by giarts-ts-admin
The following is an excerpt from the introduction to the book Not Here, Not Now, Not That! Protest over Art and Culture in America.
by giarts-ts-admin

America is on the threshold of a significant transformation in cultural life. There have been many cultural shifts in recorded history: Gutenberg's invention of the printing press and the rise of the reading public; the growth of a mercantile class and the birth of private art markets independent of the church and the king; the invention of gas streetlights and the beginning of urban nighttime entertainment. The most recent cultural transformation, still with us today, was set in motion on the threshold of the twentieth century.