Malcolm Margolin

Malcolm Margolin

by giarts-ts-admin

Several years ago I attended a meeting of California Indians at the University of California at Irvine. They had come together to discuss tribal sovereignty, but the campus parking regulations quickly shanghaied the conversation. We had been issued parking permits with totally incomprehensible rules, regulations, and instructions. Only one element of clarity stood out: “Improperly parked vehicles will be impounded.” For a half hour some of the best minds in Indian country were tied up trying to figure out where to park, until L.

by giarts-ts-admin
Malcolm Margolin, founder and publisher of Heyday Books in Berkeley, California, served as guest editor for the 2007 conference essays published in the GIA Reader, Vol. 18, No. 3, Fall 2007. He attended the conference as an observer, and provided these remarks at the final plenary session.
by giarts-ts-admin
We present this excerpt from Malcolm Margolin's The Ohlone Way, as an introduction to the culture and natural history of the Bay Area, inviting GIA members and guests coming to San Francisco for the November meeting to see behind the region's dense, urban intensity to its inherent spirit.
by giarts-ts-admin

As a nonprofit publisher, I sometimes scan databases for foundations who might support what we do. Often, I’ll find myself reading about a foundation whose values and scale seem totally compatible with our programs. Ah, an ally against the forces of ignorance! My heart warms, my hopes rise. Then, under “restrictions,” the red light flashes: “We do not fund publications.”