New Report Alert: "Overlooked: AAPI and Native American communities in philanthropy"

In a new report series, "Overlooked: AAPI and Native American communities in philanthropy," Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP) offers data and insight from AAPI and Native American nonprofit leaders and communities are shared that elucidate these concerning trends.

Even as philanthropy has turned greater attention toward issues of racism and systemic inequality since early 2020, Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) and Native American nonprofit leaders and communities appear not to have received much increased support from foundation funders. Most foundations continue to overlook nonprofits that serve AAPI and Native American communities, despite evidence that these communities have suffered disproportionately from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

AAPI and Native American nonprofit leaders report having less positive experiences with their foundation funders than nonprofit leaders of other races/ethnicities. This has been the case during, as well as prior to, the pandemic.

Despite the significant challenges facing AAPI and Native American people, most foundations continue to overlook nonprofits that serve these communities.

Read both reports and their key findings here.