
A number of leaders in community arts were invited to a briefing for White House staff on Tuesday, organized by Claudine Brown of the Nathan Cummings Foundation. In her words…

Every day, artists and organizers apply their knowledge and creativity to the actions that make democracy concrete; and we perceive this as a favorable moment to catalyze broad public support for a bold and forward-looking national agenda. On May 12th, more than 60 artists and creative organizers engaged in civic participation, community development, education, social justice activism, and philanthropy attended a White House briefing.

Our purposes for the White House briefing were:

(1) To learn about key Obama Administration initiatives that might be advanced through the long-term engagement of artists working with communities;

(2) To connect the creative community with campaigns and other action opportunities involving important national issues;

(3) To share the exemplary work of our diverse field; and

(4) To facilitate the inclusion of dynamic cultural strategies as an integral part of the administration’s agenda for economic recovery, community renewal and civic engagement.

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Or more in the Washington Post