Kickstarter Releases First Annual Statement Since Becoming a Public Benefit Corporation

Kickstarter has released its first annual benefit statement since becoming a public benefit corporation in 2015. One component of the company’s new charter is to “annually donate 5% of its after-tax profit towards arts and music education, and to organizations fighting to end systemic inequality.” An article in Fast Company explains:

The crowdfunding platform joined Patagonia and a few other companies that have accepted a legal obligation to benefit society, rather than just focusing on maximizing shareholder value. Every two years, Kickstarter is required to report on its progress in achieving a long list of objectives laid out in its charter—in other words, it has to prove the benefit that it’s providing the public.

So far, it appears that the company is making a lot of progress toward fulfilling that charter when it comes to charitable donations, gender and racial equity, and pay equity.

Read the full article on Fast Company.

Read Kickstarter’s 2016 Benefit Statement.