Arts Education Policy Plan of Action

The Penn Hill Group, with oversight from the Arts Education Funders Coalition advisory committee, will develop a comprehensive strategy that seeks to reinvigorate arts education in federal policy. A strategic plan, complete with messages, talking points, supporting research, and policy language, will be crafted, to arm arts champions with the tools to advocate effectively. This coalition is in the unique position to have fundamental impact on the federal arts education policy landscape.


Penn Hill Group will conduct a literature review of research and policy on arts in education and develop a foundation of knowledge about what is needed and what must be done. We need to learn from past efforts on this and capitalize on other successful campaigns to alter the federal policy landscape. (February and March 2012)

Policy Development

Benefiting from our research, the coalition advisory committee will develop policy proposals to address the shortcomings of federal arts education policy. These policy proposals will be in the form of legislative language to make them actionable for federal policy makers and congressional staff. February through April/May 2012 with continual refinement to adjust for changing political dynamics)

Identifying and Pursuing Partners

We will also work to build relationships with other national groups to extend the reach of this initiative and to build long-term partnerships. These groups will include organizations focused on State and local education policy as well as national partners focused on improving the quality and impact of education. (February 2012 and subsequent months)


To ensure our policy proposal resonates with potential partners and federal policy makers, the coalition will develop messaging documents and materials to promote and explain the coalition and its policy agenda. These materials will allow the coalition to strongly make the case for its policy and its adoption. (May through June 2012)

Raising Awareness in Washington

The coalition will take this work and messaging and educate the Administration and Members of Congress and their staff on the value of arts in education, so that it becomes second-nature for them to think about art and its value when crafting education policy. (July 2012 and subsequent months)

Promoting Good Policy

The policy team will identify legislative opportunities to take advantage of, allowing the coalition to make arts in education a priority in national grant competitions, an allowable use in existing programs, and a policy priority in all relevant upcoming legislation. Efforts at the federal level will have a nationwide impact, as well. Grant competition priorities, state and local requirements, and state-empowering initiatives like the U.S. Department of Education’s flexibility waivers give states significant latitude — but on conditions set in Washington. Making sure that arts is a promoted activity in national programs can have a critical trickle-down effect throughout the country. (July 2012 and subsequent months)