New D5 Report on Career Pathways of Professionals of Color

A new report by the D5 coalition and Forward Change, Philanthropic Paths: An Exploratory Study of the Career Pathways of Professionals of Color in Philanthropy, explores the various paths professionals of color take as they advance to leadership positions in philanthropy as well as the tools that helped them get there and gave them staying power. It provides a nuanced picture of the career experiences of 43 philanthropic professionals of color ranging from Program Officers to CEOs working in an array of foundations.

Through an exploration of the perceptions, analyses, and career histories of people of color working in the philanthropic sector, this study aims to advance the field’s understanding of the following questions:

  1. What are the career pathways of people of color in philanthropy in terms of how they enter the

    field and advance to higher levels of seniority?
  2. What factors do philanthropic professionals of color view as posing the greatest barriers and

    contributors to career advancement in the sector?
  3. What is the perceived value of and challenges to achieving greater leadership diversity in foundations

    from the perspective of professionals of color in the field?

Get the report.