National Capitalization Project

National Capitalization Project

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New Conversations on Capitalization and Community Workshop

Defining capitalization as “the resources an organization needs to fulfill its mission over time,” GIA embarked on the National Capitalization Project (NCP) to seek answers to the under-capitalized tendency of the nonprofit arts field. Conversations on Capitalization and Community workshops have been held in 16 cities engaging cultural funders in a dialogue about the financial health of nonprofit art groups in their community and how funders might better support capitalization principles for their grantees. In 2015, GIA created a new workshop that includes two separate half-day sessions: one for funders and one for grantees. The new three-hour companion session for grantees looks at what it means to be a well-capitalized organization achieving financial health and vibrancy within their marketplace.

Click here to learn more about the new Conversations on Capitalization and Community workshops.