Future of the Field: Cross-Sector Creative Placemaking Series

Grantmakers in the Arts, in partnership with ArtPlace America, presents this page as a living resource of dialogue, debate, and ideas to continue to engage the conversation of the future of arts and creative placemaking.
Based on a decade of cross-sector research led by ArtPlace America, the organization developed an interactive tool highlighting 13 ways that arts and culture can support equitable community development. In keeping with ArtPlace’s knowledge building approach, the organization partnered with GIA and the Alliance for the Arts in Research Universities (A2RU) to commission a series of “response-pieces” to ArtPlace’s analysis from individuals and practitioners across the field of creative placemaking to be presented alongside ArtPlace’s analysis.
GIA invited a diverse range of artists, community development practitioners, public and private funders, and researchers to consider the future of cross-sector creative placemaking from their vantage point in the field.
This series of posts – published throughout 2021 on GIA’s platform and linked to an ArtPlace library – are meant as provocations or conversation starters for future arts and community development research and practice. We hope they leave you inspired and with many questions to continue the work of creative placemaking, place-keeping, and arts-centered community strengthening in the future.
- From Absence to Presence: Arts and Culture Help Us Redefine “Health” - Submitted by Tasha Golden on January 19, 2022
- Reclaiming Our Streets with Asphalt Art - Submitted by David Andersson & Nicholas Mosquera on December 20, 2021
- Get into it: ArtPlace’s Research Activities - Submitted by Roberto Bedoya on December 16, 2021
- Building Collective Power - Submitted by Seth Beattie on December 14, 2021
- Positioning Arts and Culture for this Historic Moment - Submitted by Jen Hughes on December 14, 2021
- Art, Money, and the Apocalypse: Lots of Questions, A Few Solutions - Submitted by ChristinaMaria Patiño Xochitlzihuatl Houle on December 14, 2021
- A Brighter Future: ArtPlace America & Equitable Development, A Reflection - Submitted by janera solomon on December 14, 2021
- “I Keep Telling My Son, There Were Geniuses Living Here: Creative Placekeeping as Record and Witness” - Submitted by Tracie Hall on October 18, 2021
- Let us take some things with us, and leave other things behind. - Submitted by Rebecca Chan on October 7, 2021
- Santo Domingo Pueblo: Leveraging a community’s artistic capital to tell the story of the pueblo’s history - Submitted by Joseph Kunkel on October 4, 2021
- The Future of the Field: Resourcing Practitioners, Not Professionals - Submitted by M. Simone Boyd on September 20, 2021
- Questions we ask, and what’s revealed – Submitted by Susan DuPlessis on August 26, 2021
- Getting It Across: How Art Place’s Field Scans Have Emboldened New Policy Directions – Submitted by Sunil Iyengar on August 23, 2021