Funders Respond to Charlottesville

The Chronicle of Philanthropy has compiled a list of statements from nonprofit and foundation leaders following the events in Charlottesville, VA, including GIA member Grant Oliphant of The Heinz Endowments. In addition to these, other arts foundation leaders have voiced their responses:

“Even as brazen displays of hatred rightfully appall us, subtle, everyday acts of racism and bigotry need to be rendered just as unacceptable. This is our shared responsibility.”

— Board Chair Meghan Binger Brown and President Kate Wolford, The McKnight Foundation

“Anti-Semitism, like racism, misogyny, homophobia and other forms of hate, are alive and well in American political discourse.”

Sharon Alpert, The Nathan Cummings Foundation

“Whether through our grantmaking, other ways we can best support our partners, or the use of our own voice, we will remain vigilant about how we can play a role, along with many others, to ensure that hate does not prevail.”

President James Canales, Barr Foundation

“Where we stand will define us for generations to come.”

CEO Fred Blackwell, The San Francisco Foundation

“Our country’s public officials, thinkers, and artists must respond to this moment by telling the full, unvarnished history.”

President Earl Lewis, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation