While it is clearly not the role of funders to play matchmaker and attempt to merge grantees, a new category of funding requests is growing – and that is organizations seeking funds for consultants to help them evaluate and implement mergers. Following are some resources on this topic:

Taking A Closer Look at Mergers

Bob Goldfarb on eJewish

Making a Merger Go Smoothly for Nonprofit Workers

Marilyn Dickey in the Chronicle of Philanthropy

Putting good will to the test: Nonprofits find mergers can be a messy business at times

Scott Russell on

Charities Trying Mergers to Improve Bottom Line

Stephanie Strom in the NYTimes

How to Fund Nonprofit Mergers and Partnerships

Jean Butzen in Stanford Social Innovation Review

At the IRS, mergers are handled by the folks at Exempt Organizations Determinations. Their contact information is here. Your local Chamber of Commerce may also provide additional information.