Russell Willis Taylor

Russell Willis Taylor

by giarts-ts-admin

The conversations that flow among our field’s funders, professional conferences, and boardrooms suggest that there are two principle barriers to strong future leadership in the arts: a shortage of high-potential managers in the pipeline, and a sparse offering of professional training to prepare them for the task. And yet a quick survey of the environment shows that we are literally surrounded by both. Our organizations, communities, and universities are rich in young people who are passionate about the arts — great prospects for future leadership roles.

by giarts-ts-admin
Classical opera is a glorious but expensive enterprise that is thought by many to be so caught up in traditional methods and structures that it cannot adapt to changing times. Not so at the Metropolitan Opera in New York, under the recent and widely discussed leadership of Peter Gelb. Here, GIA member Russell Willis Taylor, president and CEO of National Arts Strategies, interviews Gelb about his approach to leadership, and his ambitions for the Met.
by giarts-ts-admin

When we visit our physicians, we naturally assume they bring a bundle of knowledge and insight to the meeting. For one thing, we expect them to bring a broad and nuanced understanding of human physiology, and how its many interconnecting systems (circulatory, respiratory, muscle, nervous, lymphatic, and so on) influence our health and well being. We also expect that they know how and where to look for indicators of our health (taking our temperature, testing our blood pressure, checking our blood for chemical balances).