Jeanne Butler

Jeanne Butler

by giarts-ts-admin

I have always revered the work of David McCullough and recently I read remarks he made last spring that focused his audience on arts education:

One of our greatest blessings, the greatest among all that we have inherited, is the English language and its power to express things. Keep in mind, too, please, that information, as much as we love to brag about it, isn't learning. If information were learning, you could become educated by memorizing the world almanac. If you memorized the world almanac, you wouldn't be educated, you'd be weird.
by giarts-ts-admin
Following a successful 2007 program in Santa Fe, members of GIA and Grantmakers for Education (GFE) came together in May 2008 for an Arts and Education Forum in the Boston area. Collectively, over fifty of our members took part in a program that included discussions with government and school leaders, researchers, and inventors. The program examined how one region has tackled the challenge of arts integration and looked at ways that arts and technology could be powerful partners in learning. The following three essays were prepared by participants.
by giarts-ts-admin

For those of us who are passionate about the arts, it has been disheartening to see so many schools cut back on arts education. I am happy to report on a new initiative by the American Architectural Foundation that hopes to boost interest in teaching kids about architecture and design.