Carol Fineberg

Carol Fineberg

by Steve

The Qualities of Quality: Understanding Excellence in Arts Education; By Steve Seidel, Shari Tishman, Ellen Winner, Lois Hetland, Patricia Palmer. Project Zero, Harvard Graduate School of Education (Cambridge, MA), 2009, 121 pages. Commissioned by The Wallace Foundation with additional support from the Arts Education Partnership

by giarts-ts-admin

2004, 180 pages, ISBN 0-325-00603-2. Heinemann, a division of Reed Elsevier, Inc. 361 Hanover Street, Portsmouth, NH, 03801-3912, 603-431-7894,

Directed toward educators and school administrators, this book outlines how the integration of arts-based instruction can create breakthrough educational moments in and out of the classroom, and provides practical real-world experience to guide teachers and administrators around problems that can derail the best-planned reform efforts.