Beth Feldman Brandt

Beth Feldman Brandt

by giarts-ts-admin

At the Stockton Rush Bartol Foundation, we are grateful every day for teaching artists.

by giarts-ts-admin

Those who can, do…and teach the arts.

Bring Your Art. Bring Your Heart. Teach.

I am a teaching artist. That’s why there is so much crap in my car.

by giarts-ts-admin

Grantmakers in the Arts began work on capitalization in 2010. Ever since then we’ve debated not using the word “capitalization,” but it has prevailed. In our work, the term is synonymous with financial health and the resources needed to meet an organization’s mission. In 2010, GIA published recommendations for grantmakers regarding actions they could take that would improve the undercapitalized nature of the nonprofit arts sector.

by giarts-ts-admin

2004, 42 pages. Marwen, 833 North Orleans St., Chicago, IL, 60610, 312-944-2418,

Anyone who works (or lives) in the circle of adolescents can appreciate the complexity of developing effective arts programs for teens. Fuel documents the essential characteristics of one such program at Marwen, a Chicago cultural organization that provides high-quality visual arts instruction, college planning, and career development to young people (grades six to twelve) free of charge during out of school time.

by giarts-ts-admin

The moniker, "Grantmakers in the Arts," could suggest that our job as funders is solely to read proposals and write checks, a straightforward transaction that takes a hiatus when the award letter goes out and revives when the final report comes in. In reality, we know that the most important work we do may take place before the proposal is even submitted and that the impact of our work only improves as the quality of our ongoing interaction with our grantees strengthens.

by giarts-ts-admin

2003, 15 pages. The Urban Institute/Wallace Foundation, or

Many grantmakers express a heightened interest in learning more about cultural participation. Research about who participates, what motivates people to participate and the barriers to participation provides valuable data to cultural organizations and funders seeking to broaden, deepen, and diversify audiences for these offerings.