Vilcekfoundation's Blog

Posted on by vilcekfoundation

Hello all, My name is Brian Cavanaugh and I am the New Media & IT Coordinator at the Vilcek Foundation. As an artist and techie, I am always on the lookout for new uses of media and innovative techniques that … Continue reading

Posted on by vilcekfoundation

Hello everyone! My name is Anne Schruth and I have the pleasure of working directly with individual foreign-born artists as they design and implement cultural events and exhibitions in the Vilcek Foundation’s gallery space. I am thrilled for this opportunity … Continue reading

Posted on by vilcekfoundation

Hello and welcome back to GIA 2011 Talk Back series! As the Executive Director of The Vilcek Foundation and guest blogger for Talk Back, I invite you to join my colleagues and me at The Vilcek Foundation, in a conversation … Continue reading