Knight Foundation/NEA to Announce Arts Journalism Awardees

The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation and the National Endowment for the Arts will host a virtual press conference on Thursday, April 19, 2012 to announce and discuss the three winning projects of the Knight/NEA Community Arts Journalism Challenge. The winners will each receive $80,000 to implement their ideas for new arts journalism models that inform and engage communities in the arts.

NEA Chairman Rocco Landesman and Knight Foundation’s Dennis Scholl and Eric Newton will talk about the initiative, trends in journalism, and future funding opportunities. The winners will also describe their projects. A Q & A session will follow brief remarks.

The virtual press conference begins at 2:15pm EDT. Visit and call 1-650-479-3207; use access code: 660992835. You may need to download a plug-in to view the web conference; please log in 10 minutes ahead of time.