Cummings Foundation’s Greer to Step Down

Nathan Cummings Foundation President and CEO Simon Greer will leave his position later this month, according to an announcement from the foundation’s board chair. Greer has held the position since January 2012. Senior Vice Presidents Maurine Knighton and Bill Dempsey will take over day to day responsibilities and interim leadership will follow shortly as a formal search is established.


“Simon was hired to build on the great work the Foundation has been doing and to help lead in some new directions. Most significantly, Simon oversaw a strategic planning process through which the Board chose to shift our grantmaking priorities to focus on combating climate change and inequality, two seemingly intractable challenges that threaten our collective future,” said Adam N. Cummings. “He also helped to conceive and launch the Nathan Cummings Foundation Fellowship, which provides visionary leaders with an opportunity to bring to fruition their game changing innovations.”