Isaacbutler's Blog

Posted on by isaacbutler

Cue BATMAN Announcer Voice: Meanwhile in the visual arts! In 1996, following the michegas with the NEA-4 and Robert Mapplethorpe, art critic Eleanor Heartney penned the essay Out of the Ivory Tower about the social responsibility of art critics. Its … Continue reading

Posted on by isaacbutler

I had this provocative post all planned out today, one in which I said (insincerely, I should add) that you Grantmakers should just stop giving money to large institutions. The plan was to use a bit of a rhetorical post … Continue reading

Posted on by isaacbutler

It seems fairly obvious as you survey the field that we create + display/perform more art than people actually want to go see.  Or, to put it more nicely, as a sector, funders, artists and arts organizations have done an … Continue reading

Posted on by isaacbutler

I’m betting most of you are on the NEA’s e-mail list, but just in case you aren’t, I just received word of three new studies going live. They’ve actually been on the site since February, but I guess the word … Continue reading

Posted on by isaacbutler

Last year, I hosted a blogging roundtable about the recent new play sector study Outrageous Fortune (you can pick yourself up a copy here, if you haven’t already). Outrageous Fortune documents the problems and disconnects of the new play ecosystem … Continue reading

Posted on by isaacbutler

Hello all, Just thought I would leave a quick post to make sure everything is up and running smoothly and also kill the proverbial second bird by telling you a little bit about myself beyond my bio. I’ve worked in … Continue reading