April Member Spotlight: Darryl Chappell Foundation

The Darryl Chappell Foundation (“Foundation”) empowers Afrodescendant artists to achieve their highest potential. We envision a future where a community of artists are impacting their communities in positive ways through art. The Foundation has been a member of GIA since January 2023.

What we are excited about here at the Darryl Chappell Foundation?

On May 18, 2023, the Foundation’s Artist Apprentice (Gadiel Rivera) in San Juan, Puerto Rico, will kick off his three month exhibition “Mar Adentro, Historias Profundas” ("Intimate Stories from the Sea Inside"). The exhibition is the culmination of Gadiel’s one year residency at the Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico (MAPR), a Smithsonian Affiliate. The Foundation and MAPR jointly designed the apprenticeship program which is housed in MAPR’s brand new Centro de Innovación Educativa (Center for Innovation Education).

The relationship with MAPR brings to life the Foundation’s Learning Pathway for Artists. The Learning Pathway has four phases. The first phase starts with parents, guardians, and pre-school children:working to educate that the arts might be a viable career path. Second phase: aspiring artists in high schools and universities receive instruction and information from emerging artists through workshop talks or one-on-one mentoring. In the third phase, emerging artists are provided with access to artists-in-residence or artists apprentice programs providing both resources and studio space from which to work and explore possibilities. In the fourth phase, established artists are connected with emerging artists and other established artists to mentor and/or serve as peer coaches along the artistic pathway.Throughout the learning pathway, artists are being supported by a community of artists, art patrons, and philanthropic organizations.

You can also visit the Darryl Chappell Foundation photo gallery on GIA's Photo Credits page

Photo: Gadiel Rivera in his studio

2022-2023 Darryl Chappell Foundation Artist

Apprentice at the Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico