Grants Managers Network Asks: How Green Are Grantmakers?

(11-17-10) Beyond the Recycling Bin: Greening Practices of Grantmakers, a new report by the Grants Managers Network attempts to answer that question by exploring the greening practices are currently in use by grantmaking organizations, the variables affecting the number and type of practices implemented by grantmakers, and their perceived barriers to greening. The report is based on a survey of the practices of nearly 300 grantmakers. Its intent is to fuel the conversation, provide some practical insights, and encourage grantmakers to continue to make the positive changes that collectively position philanthropic organizations as leaders in greening.

Key findings of the report include:

  • 90% encourage recycling across the organization, and 87% extend that encouragement to the grants management department;
  • 69% offer incentives to reduce travel of their employees;
  • 25% have implementing greening practices as a stated goal of the organization; and
  • 18% have an environmental or greening policy;

The report also offers insight into why grantmakers don’t green their practices with “not an organizational priority” topping the list of barriers. Budget constraints and lack of control over the organization’s environment were also cited.

Download the full report here.