GFEM Funder briefing on the South by Southwest Interactive Festival - April 5, 1:00 pm EDT

(4-1-10) Grantmakers in Film and Electronic Media is offering a briefing conference call on the recent South by Southwest Interactive Festival. The conference has been described as both amazing and overwhelming, and it can be challenging to absorb everything and turn rapidly changing technological and social landscapes into concrete opportunities for social change. For those who attended, the upcoming call provides a great chance to reflect and share ideas and ways of moving media grantmaking forward. For those who didn't attend, the call is your chance to hear firsthand thoughts from your peers and ask questions.

Presenters include:

Helen Brunner (Media and Democracy Fund) and (Quixote Foundation) will provide an in-depth overview of the conference and share her thoughts on the themes, ideas and issues raised.

Sarah Masters (Hartley Film Foundation) will share her impressions and the influence SXSW will have on her approach to grantmaking.

John Schwartz (Instructional Telecommunications Foundation) will compare this year's event to 2009 and his takeaways from SXSWi and NetSquared that led to ITF's creation of their New Interactive Media for Progressive Initiative

Q&A will follow with a special emphasis on what funders would like to see and do related to new media opportunities in the coming year, and how GFEM can help facilitate expanded learning in this exciting field.

RSVP to Sarah Armour-Jones at for the conference call number. This is a funders-only event on April 5 @ 1 pm EDT. Additional information and select reference materials related to new media tools can be found