Healthy Communities and Cross-sector Collaboration

The "Creating Healthy Communities through Cross-sector Collaboration" white paper brings more than 250 thought leaders from the public health, arts and culture, and community development sectors to -according to the announcement- "frame the value of the arts and culture for advancing health and well-being in communities."

The report, published by The University of Florida Center for Arts in Medicine & ArtPlace America, offers examples and recommendations for expanding cross-sector collaboration and innovation, seeking to "stimulate upstream interventions—aimed at systems, cultures, and policies—that reduce barriers to health and well-being" and "foster transformative social change that advances health and wellbeing" in communities.


The announcement adds,

This paper is also intended to offer value and guidance to community development, arts and culture, and other allied health sectors by providing examples of impactful cross-sector collaborations that engage arts and culture to address five critical public health issues: collective trauma, racism, social isolation and exclusion, mental health, and chronic disease. These concrete examples inform the paper's recommendations and call to action, which assert the value of the arts and culture for community health transformation, and for advancing the culture of health being envisioned today.


The white paper emerges from the Creating Healthy Communities: Arts + Public Health in America initiative, with support from ArtPlace America and the Pabst Steinmetz Foundation.

Read the paper here.

Image: cocoparisienne / Pixabay